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Last active January 6, 2019 00:35
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akka http custom serialisation #akka #scala
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.FromRequestUnmarshaller
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.voi.dto.response.HealthCheck
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait HealthCheck {
_: ImplicitPojoMarshaller =>
private val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
implicit def genericPojoUnmarshaller[T](implicit c: ClassTag[T]): FromRequestUnmarshaller[T] = {
new FromRequestUnmarshaller[T] {
override def apply(request: HttpRequest)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, materializer: Materializer): Future[T] =
request.entity.toStrict(5 seconds).map("UTF-8")).map { str =>
mapper.readValue(str, c.runtimeClass).asInstanceOf[T]
lazy val healthCheckApi = path("health-check") {
post {
entity(as[HealthCheck]) { hc =>
complete {
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