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Last active October 12, 2018 17:14
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Java/Kotlin DateTimeFormatter to parse Apple version of RFC3339 date returned by Apple API (Itune receipt)
val appleRfc3339DateFormatter: DateTimeFormatter =
.appendValue(YEAR, 4).appendLiteral('-').appendValue(MONTH_OF_YEAR, 2).appendLiteral('-').appendValue(DAY_OF_MONTH, 2)
.appendLiteral(' ')
.appendValue(HOUR_OF_DAY, 2).appendLiteral(':').appendValue(MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 2).appendLiteral(':').appendValue(SECOND_OF_MINUTE, 2)
.appendLiteral(' ')
val aRfc3339DateString = "2016-03-17 03:24:38 Etc/GMT"
val parsedDate = ZonedDateTime.parse(aRfc3339DateString, appleRfc3339DateFormatter).toDate()
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hoangtranwork commented Oct 12, 2018

RFC3339 is so loose that it's better to make specialized parser for each vendor. In this case, Apple decides that their date should use space instead of T to separate the date and time part and no fraction seconds.

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