# Install python and some binary-dependencies from source in the user directory |
# useful for Django webapps on shared hosts like Dreamhost |
# BerkelyDB v 4.8 is supported by python 2.7 but not 5.3 |
# In addition, the bsddb module was deprecated in Python 2.6 and will be removed in 3.0 |
# So all this BDB stuff isn't useful, but does no harm |
# linuxfromscratch.com has patch that can make python 2.7 work with BerkelyDB, if you need it |
BDBVER=5.3.21 |
BDBVE=5.3 |
export LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/local/lib -L$HOME/local/BerkeleyDB.$BDBVE/lib" |
export CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/local/include -I$HOME/local/BerkeleyDB.$BDBVE/include" |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/local/lib:$HOME/local/BerkeleyDB.$BDBVE/lib |
mkdir -p ~/bin ~/tmp ~/local |
# _tkinter = TCL and TK |
# TCL = Tool Command Language -- a dynamic programming langage |
# TK = GUI Toolkit for TCL |
# Berkeley DB build needs _tkinter so install TCL first |
# may need to scrape a source-forge page to get the latest version |
VER=8.6.0 |
cd ~/tmp |
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcl/tcl$VER-src.tar.gz |
tar zxvf tcl$VER-src.tar.gz |
cd tcl$VER/unix |
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local |
make |
make install |
cd ~/tmp |
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tcl/tk$VER-src.tar.gz |
tar zxvf tk$VER-src.tar.gz |
cd tk$VER/unix |
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local |
make |
make install |
cd ~/tmp |
wget http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-$VER.tar.gz |
tar zxvf db-$VER.tar.gz |
cd db-$VER/build_unix |
../dist/configure --prefix=$HOME/local/BerkeleyDB.$VE --enable-tcl --with-tcl=$HOME/local/lib |
make |
make install |
VER=1.0.6 |
VE=1.0 |
cd ~/tmp |
wget http://www.bzip.org/$VER/bzip2-$VER.tar.gz |
tar zxvf bzip2-$VER.tar.gz |
cd bzip2-$VER |
make -f Makefile-libbz2_so |
make |
make install PREFIX=$HOME/local |
cp ./libbz2.so.$VER $HOME/local/lib |
ln -s $HOME/local/lib/libbz2.so.$VER $HOME/local/lib/libbz2.so.$VE |
VER=2.7.3 |
VE=2.7 |
cd ~/tmp |
wget http://python.org/ftp/python/$VE/Python-$VE.tgz |
tar zxvf Python-$VE.tgz |
cd Python-$VE |
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/Python-$VE |
make |
make install |
rm -rf ~/tmp/* |
cd ~ |
echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/local/bin:\$PATH\"" >> .bashrc |
echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/local/Python-$VE/bin:\$PATH\"" >> .bashrc |
source .bashrc |