- sets up adapter_dev2
- execute VistaLinkSetup jar
- connectorConfig.xml
- mapping HashMap or POJO to XML C32 or C62
- assembly - packages it up into a tar.gz
- Contains all the beans for the generic adapter common library
- audit
- JPA code for storing audit info in database
- manages all the writing to Audit logs
- cache
- Key-value store for data of some sort
- datamanager
- ejb
- Bean that just gets a searched for query from the data manager
- translators
- STS (Standards and Terminology Services) HL7 stuff
- STSDataTranslator
- Variables
- MapSetVuid - VUID is id of validation rule for HL7
- input
- MapSetVersionName
- bypassCache
- connectionFilename
- connection
- Source type -> Target Type
- tilde delimited input indicates multiple components or subcomps. where possible
- STSDataLookupTranslator
- ConceptDetailTransfer
- Gets Designation, Properties or Associations constant
- TerminologyDataTranslator
- Converts item from one codeset to another
- TerminologyEJBDataTranslator
- Same as above but references TerminologyRemote EJB
- TerminologyLookupDataTranslator
- Naming is weird but looks like you get a Port and then make it do the lookup??
- TerminologyLookupEJBDataTranslator
- Same as above but using Remote EJB
- documentrepository
- Document table model
- findAll, findByDocumentId, findByDocumentUniqueId
- Supports getDocumentsbyDocumentId or UniqueId, delete, store, deleteDocumentsNotAccessed by data
- Bean implements local and remote
- documentrepositorycleanup
- Cleanup service that can be started and stopped
- Configured according to documentCacheCleanupInterval and documentCacheRetentionTime uses EJB Timer class
- facilitymanager
- Manages Facilities, Assigning_Authorities, FACILITIES_TO_AAS tables
- getAllFacilities, getFacilityByHCID, getFacilityByFacilityNumber, getFacilitiesContainingAA, addAAToFacility
- propertylookup
- Get property from table
- terminology
- Translations supports: findAll, findByTranslationId, findBySourceCodeset, findBySourceCode, findByTargetCodeset, findByTargetCode, findTranslation
- Codesets supports: findAll, findByCodesetId, findByCodeset, findByLookupTable, findByKeyField
- Packages up AdapterLib, AdapterEJB, AdapterCommonEJB, cONNECTCommonTypesLib jar files into an AdapterEA ear file for WebLogic
- AdapterInterfaces
- Contains all the WSDLs for Adapter functions
- Schemas
- HL7V3 schemas
- Schemas for Adapter functions
- Cluster of all kinds of utility functions to do just about anything
- doOperationSendImmunizationData
- Sends ICN, Facility Number and C32 and gets back Bson Doc Id
- doOperationSendACPDocument
- Send Advance Care Planning not ready yet
- Not implemented yet so does nothing
- doOperationSendImmunizationData