Require the Nova package in your composer.json
and run the nova:install
and migrate
artisan commands:
php artisan nova:install
php artisan migrate
Default path: http://localhost/nova
php artisan nova:user
Update the language setting in your config/app.php
config file:
'locale' => 'de'
Copy translations from franzdumfart/laravel-nova-localizations
to your repo:
php -r "copy('', './resources/lang/vendor/nova/de.json') || exit (1);"
Generate a new Nova resource from an existing model:
php artisan nova:resource Post
Generate a new Laravel policy for the Post model:
php artisan make:policy PostPolicy -m Post
After that, map the new policy to the model in app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
protected $policies = [
'App\Post' => 'App\Policies\PostPolicy',
Modify the Nova resource index query in app/Nova/Post.php
so that Users can only see their own Posts:
public static function indexQuery(NovaRequest $request, $query)
return $query->where('user_id', $request->user()->id);
Remove the public static $title = 'title';
in app/Nova/Post.php
to define a custom title property on the resource class to modify the global search results:
public function title()
return $this->title . ' - ' . $this->category;
public function subtitle()
return "Author: {$this->user->name}";
To exclude the resource from the global search add the $globallySearchabl
property on the resource app/Nova/Post.php
public static $globallySearchable = false;
An empty $search
array in app/Nova/Post.php
will remove the searchbar of the resource:
public static $search = [];
Generate a new filter using the available artisan command:
php artisan nova:filter PostPubliished
Attach the filter to a resource via the filters()
public function filters(Request $request)
return [
new PostPubliished()
Lenses are custom views in the admin panel. Generate a new lens:
php artisan nova:lens MostViews
Attach the lens to a resource via the lenses()
Actions are custom tasks that can be performed on eloquent models. Generate a new action:
php artisan nova:action PublishPost
Attach the action to a resource via the actions()
Populate the fields()
method to request additional information (in a prompt) before running an action. The data is available in the handle()
Customize to whom and where actions are available with the canSee()
with canRun()
resource methods:
public function actions(Request $request)
return [
(new PublishPost())->canSee(function ($request) {
// Restrict to user with ID 1.
return $request->user()->id === 1;
})->canRun(function ($request, $post) {
// Restrict to post with ID 1.
return $post->id === 1;
Add the Actionable
trait to the Post
model to enable a detailled log of all performed actions:
class Post extends Model
use Actionable;
php artisan nova:value PostCount
php artisan nova:trend PostsPerDay
php artisan nova:partition PostsPerCategory
php artisan nova:tool acme/nova-tool
This command prompts to:
Would you like to install the tool's NPM dependencies? (yes/no)
Would you like to compile the tool's assets? (yes/no)
Would you like to update your Composer packages? (yes/no)
php artisan nova:card acme/nova-card
This command prompts to:
Would you like to install the card's NPM dependencies? (yes/no)
Would you like to compile the card's assets? (yes/no)
Would you like to update your Composer packages? (yes/no)
php artisan nova:field acme/nova-field
This command prompts to:
Would you like to install the field's NPM dependencies? (yes/no)
Would you like to compile the field's assets? (yes/no)
Would you like to update your Composer packages? (yes/no)
php artisan nova:theme acme/nova-theme
This command prompts to:
Would you like to update your Composer packages? (yes/no)