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Created January 30, 2013 18:22
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{ "issue" : { "articles" : [ { "article_image_url" : "",
"main_text" : "<p>Remember <a href=\"\">when I said we hired Chris</a> after advertising for a GMT position a few months ago? That was a bit of a fib. We were actually blown away bytwo applications during that go-round and decided to hire both of the candidates we liked. Natalie Keshlear joins us from the venerable community team at <a href=\"\">SoundCloud</a>. She’ll be working with us from Berlin, Germany.Natalie is originally from Southern California, but moved to Berlin about 2 years ago to work for SoundCloud. She loves it there, but decided she couldn’t pass up an opportunity to stay in a place she loved and work with we <a href=\"\">happy-makers</a>. While we were originally looking for only one more European support team member, we decided to treat Chris and Natalie like Pokémon and caught ‘em all.If you’re playing along at home, you’ll have counted 10 Supportketeers, but this isn’t entirely accurate. You may have noticed a picture of Michael’s <a href=\"\">new working environment</a> a few months ago. We recently integrated QA testing into our development process, with Michael taking the lead. His effort has prevented potential problems and bugs in every <a href=\"\">new feature in Basecamp</a>. Look for more details about this in the future.Please join us in welcoming our 35th Signal, Natalie Keshlear and congratulating Michael on his new role.<br></p>",
"title" : "My very first article"
{ "article_image_url" : "",
"main_text" : "<p>\r\n<b>BOOL</b> success <b>=</b> RKEnsureDirectoryExistsAtPath(RKApplicationDataDirectory(), <b>&</b>error);\r\n<b>if</b> (<b>!</b> success) {\r\n    RKLogError(@\"Failed to create Application Data Directory at path '%@': %@\", RKApplicationDataDirectory(), error);\r\n}\r\nNSString <b>*</b>path <b>=</b> [RKApplicationDataDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@\"Store.sqlite\"];\r\nNSPersistentStore <b>*</b>persistentStore <b>=</b> [managedObjectStore addSQLitePersistentStoreAtPath:path fromSeedDatabaseAtPath:nil withConfiguration:nil options:nil error:<b>&</b>error];\r\n<b>if</b> (<b>!</b> persistentStore) {\r\n    RKLogError(@\"Failed adding persistent store at path '%@': %@\", path, error);\r\n}\r\n[managedObjectStore createManagedObjectContexts];\r\n\r\nRKObjectManager <b>*</b>manager <b>=</b> [RKObjectManager managerWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@\"\"]];\r\nmanager.managedObjectStore <b>=</b> managedObjectStore;<br></p>",
"title" : "Article 2"
"cover_url" : "",
"description" : "a few months ago? That was a bit of a fib. We were actually blown away by two applications during that go-round and decided to hire both of the candidates we liked. Natalie Keshlear joins us from the venerable community team at SoundCloud. She’ll be working with us from Berlin, Germany.",
"issue_number" : 1,
"published_at" : "2013-01-30T18:20:14+00:00",
"title" : "My first issue "
} }
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