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Last active December 12, 2024 15:30
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Go Notes


type slice struct {
    array unsafe.Pointer
    len   int
    cap   int

sliceA := []int{1, 2, 3}
sliceB := append(sliceA, 4)
sliceC := append(sliceA, 5)
sliceC[0] = 0

fmt.Println(*(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&sliceA))) // prints {0xc00001a018 3 3}


Not nil interface

If you assign a value to an interface, even if that value is nil, the interface itself is not nil.

type MyType struct{}

func (m *MyType) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	return len(p), nil

type MyInterface interface {

func main() {
	var myType *MyType // myType = nil
  var myInterface MyInterface
	if myInterface == nil {
		fmt.Println("The interface is nil.")

func test(out io.Writer) {
	if out != nil {
		fmt.Println("interface is not nil.")

	if v, ok := out.(*MyType); ok && v == nil {
		fmt.Println("Underlying value of the interface is nil.")
type MyInterface interface {

func main() {
	var myInterface MyInterface

	if myInterface == nil {
		fmt.Println("The interface is nil.")

Interface array/slice

E.g. passing a slice of a type(A) as the argument to a function. Type A satisifes the function, but []A does not. Convert the type array to an interface array.

type RequirementConstrained interface {
	GetRequirements() []Requirement

type Requirement int

type A struct {
	requirements []Requirement

func (a A) GetRequirements() []Requirement {
	return a.requirements

type B struct {
	requirements []Requirement

func (b B) GetRequirements() []Requirement {
	return b.requirements

func FilterByRequirements(entity RequirementConstrained) RequirementConstrained {
	return entity

func main() {
	var aents []A
	var filtered []RequirementConstrained
	for _, a := range aents {
		filtered = append(filtered, FilterByRequirements(a))


func main() {
    str := "你好" // Chinese characters for "Hello"

    // Accessing individual bytes (byte = uint8) in the string
    for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
	fmt.Printf("%U)", str[i])

    // Accessing individual runes (Unicode code points - UTF8, rune = int32) in the string
    for _, r := range str {
        fmt.Printf("%c ", r)


When comparing two instances of a value type in Go, it checks whether their field values are equal.

type someStr struct{ text string }

a := someString{"test1"}
b := someString{"test1"}

fmt.Println(a == b) // true

a = &someString{"test1"}
b = &someString{"test1"}

fmt.Println(a == b) // false

Reflect (Typeof)


Type Assertion (InstanceOf)

type MyInt interface{}
var x MyInt = 5

res := x.(int)
fmt.Printf("type: %T value: %[1]v\n", res)

Interface assertion

// Animal interface
type Animal interface {
	Speak() string

// Trainer interface with an additional method
type Trainer interface {
	Train() string

// Dog type implementing both Animal and Trainer interfaces
type Dog struct{}

func (d Dog) Speak() string {
	return "Woof! Woof!"

func (d Dog) Train() string {
	return "Sit! Stay!"

type SpeakTrain interface {
	Speak() string
	Train() string

func main() {
	var t Trainer
	t = PoliceDog{}

	// Type assertion to access the larger set of methods in the Trainer interface
	if st, ok := x.(SpeakTrain); ok {
		fmt.Println("Train:", st.Train())
		fmt.Println("Speak:", st.Speak())
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Type assertion failed")
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