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Created May 26, 2014 12:11
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Rationals Worksheet
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val x = new Rational(1, 3)
val y = new Rational(5, 7)
val z = new Rational(3, 2)
x - y - z
y + y
x < y
x max y
class Rational(x:Int, y:Int) {
private def gcd(a:Int, b:Int): Int =
if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
private val g = gcd(x,y)
def numer = x / g
def denom = y / g
def < (that: Rational) =
numer * that.denom < that.numer * denom
def max(that: Rational) =
if (this < that) that else this
// Note space after the : as it is legal operator
// Special Scala convention for prefix operator
def unary_- :Rational = new Rational(-numer, denom)
def +(that: Rational) =
new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom)
def -(that: Rational) = this + -that
override def toString = numer + "/" + denom
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