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Created January 31, 2014 09:07
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Save holtgrewe/8728757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple thread-safe queue implementation based on std::list<> and C++11 threading primitives.
// A simple thread-safe queue implementation based on std::list<>::splice
// after a tip in a talk by Sean Parent of Adobe.
// Uses standard library threading and synchronization primitives together
// with a std::list<> container for implementing a thread-safe queue. The
// only special thing is that the queue uses std::list<>::splice in the
// locked region to minimize locked time.
// Also implements a maximal size and can thus be used as a buffer between
// the elements in a pipeline with limited buffer bloat.
// Author: Manuel Holtgrewe <[email protected]>
// License: 3-clause BSD
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
// Simple thread-safe queue with maximal size based on std::list<>::splice().
// Implemented after a tip by Sean Parent at Adobe.
template <typename T>
class ThreadSafeQueue
// Returns whether could push/pop or queue was closed. Currently, we only implemented the blocking
// operations.
enum QueueResult
// Initialize the queue with a maximal size.
explicit ThreadSafeQueue(size_t maxSize = 0) : state(State::OPEN), currentSize(0), maxSize(maxSize)
// Push v to queue. Blocks if queue is full.
void push(T const & v)
// Create temporary queue.
decltype(list) tmpList;
// Pushing with lock, only using list<>::splice().
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// Wait until there is space in the queue.
while (currentSize == maxSize)
// Check that the queue is not closed and thus pushing is allowed.
if (state == State::CLOSED)
throw std::runtime_error("Trying to push to a closed queue.");
// Push to queue.
currentSize += 1;
list.splice(list.end(), tmpList, tmpList.begin());
// Wake up one popping thread.
if (currentSize == 1u)
// Push to queue with rvalue reference.
void push(T && v)
// Create temporary queue.
decltype(list) tmpList;
// Pushing with lock, only using list<>::splice().
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// Wait until there is space in the queue.
while (currentSize == maxSize)
// Check that the queue is not closed and thus pushing is allowed.
if (state == State::CLOSED)
throw std::runtime_error("Trying to push to a closed queue.");
// Push to queue.
currentSize += 1;
list.splice(list.end(), tmpList, tmpList.begin());
// Wake up one popping thread.
// Pop value from queue and write to v.
// If this succeeds, OK is returned. CLOSED is returned if the queue is empty and was closed.
QueueResult pop(T & v)
decltype(list) tmpList;
// Pop into tmpList which is finally written out.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// If there is no item then we wait until there is one.
while (list.empty() && state != State::CLOSED)
// If the queue was closed and the list is empty then we cannot return anything.
if (list.empty() && state == State::CLOSED)
return CLOSED;
// If we reach here then there is an item, get it.
currentSize -= 1;
tmpList.splice(tmpList.begin(), list, list.begin());
// Wake up one pushing thread.
// Write out value.
v = tmpList.front();
return OK;
// Pushing data is not allowed any more, when the queue is
void close() noexcept
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
state = State::CLOSED;
// Notify all consumers.
// Whether the queue is running or closed.
enum class State
// The current state.
State state;
// The current size.
size_t currentSize;
// The maximal size.
size_t maxSize;
// The condition variables to use for pushing/popping.
std::condition_variable cvPush, cvPop;
// The mutex for locking the queue.
std::mutex mutex;
// The list that the queue is implemented with.
std::list<T> list;
int main()
unsigned const NUM_THREADS = 20;
unsigned const COUNT = 10;
std::mutex cerrMutex;
std::vector<std::thread> producers, consumers;
ThreadSafeQueue<int> queue(5);
std::atomic<int> x(0);
// Create producers.
for (unsigned tID = 0; tID < NUM_THREADS; ++tID)
producers.push_back(std::thread([&,tID]() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
// Locked I/O.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "THREAD #" << tID << " pushing " << tID * NUM_THREADS + i << "\n";
queue.push(tID * NUM_THREADS + i);
// Create consumers.
for (unsigned tID = NUM_THREADS; tID < 2 * NUM_THREADS; ++tID)
consumers.push_back(std::thread([&,tID]() {
int i = -1;
ThreadSafeQueue<int>::QueueResult result;
while ((result = queue.pop(i)) != ThreadSafeQueue<int>::CLOSED)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "THREAD #" << tID << " got: " << i << "\n";
// Locked I/O.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "THREAD #" << tID << " is done.\n";
// Wait for producers.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "Closing Queue.\n";
for (auto & t : producers)
// Close queue.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "Closing Queue.\n";
// Wait for consumers.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << "Waiting for consumers...\n";
for (auto & t : consumers)
return 0;
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Hallo and thank you for making your implementation public.
However, your queue gets stuck on shutdown, if the queue is full.
Pls update your push methods with while (currentSize == maxSize && state == State::OPEN) and add to your close method cvPush.notify_all();
Or make your project private to avoid spreading this deadlock to multiple applications as it is one of the top results in the google search engine.
Best regards Harald

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lightydo commented Sep 9, 2021

I think there is another issue. A consumer thread will have to empty the queue first before getting the CLOSE state...

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