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Last active April 25, 2024 16:39
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A stateful CLI tool for getting access token from an OIDC provider
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns oidc-client
"Get end-user access token from an OIDC provider, caching the access/refresh token in an encrypted file. Code in
When there are no cached, valid tokens, it will open a browser with the OIDC provider login URL and start a HTTPS-enabled
callback server on localhost. Make sure that the resulting redirect_uri is registered with your provider.
NOTE: After login you will be redirected to https://<localhost> that uses a self-signed certificate and will need to tell your
browser to trust the site despite all the danger warnings :).
TIP: Use to create a trusted certificate and mount it
to the proxy - see
Prerequisities: babashka (e.g. v0.3.4), openssl, config file with credentials."
[babashka.fs :as fs]
[babashka.process :as proc :refer [process]]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[ :as sh]
[clojure.string :as str]
[org.httpkit.client :as http]
[org.httpkit.server :as server]))
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vars
(def encryption-psw "TODO: put some random string here")
(def oidc-config
{:client-id "<your oidc client id>"
:client-secret "<your oidc client id>"
:token-url ""
:login-url "<your oidc client id>&prompt=login&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fapi%2Foauth2%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid"
:callback-url {:host "localhost" :port 8080 :path "/api/oauth2/callback"}})
(defn callback-url [oidc-config]
(let [{:keys [host port path]} (:callback-url oidc-config)]
(str "https://" host \: port path)))
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs cache
(defn encrypt [plaintext]
(let [{:keys [exit out err]}
(sh/sh "openssl" "enc" "-e" "-des3" "-base64" "-pass" (str "pass:" encryption-psw) "-pbkdf2"
:in plaintext)]
(when-not (zero? exit)
(throw (ex-info (str "encryption failed with status " exit " and msg " err) {})))
(defn decrypt [cyphertext]
(let [{:keys [exit out err]}
(sh/sh "openssl" "enc" "-d" "-des3" "-base64" "-pass" (str "pass:" encryption-psw) "-pbkdf2"
:in cyphertext)]
(when-not (zero? exit)
(throw (ex-info (str "decryption failed with status " exit " and msg " err) {})))
(defn cache-dir []
(let [osx-cache (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/Library/Caches") #_osx
cache-root (or (System/getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME") #_linux
(System/getenv "LOCALAPPDATA") #_windows
(when (fs/directory? osx-cache) osx-cache))
dir (fs/file cache-root "oidc_client_bb")]
(when-not (fs/directory? cache-root)
(throw (ex-info (str "Guessed cache data dir '" cache-root "' does not exist") {})))
(when-not (fs/directory? dir)
(fs/create-dir dir)
(fs/set-posix-file-permissions dir "rwx------"))
(defn cache-data [file-name data {:keys [encrypt?]}]
(spit (fs/file (cache-dir) file-name)
(cond-> (pr-str data)
encrypt? (encrypt))))
(defn read-cached-data [file-name {:keys [decrypt?]}]
(let [file (fs/file (cache-dir) file-name)]
(when (fs/readable? file)
(-> (slurp file)
decrypt? (decrypt))
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http server
(defn check-port-free [port]
(with-open [s ( port)] true)
(catch Exception e ; not known to babashka
(throw (ex-info (str "Cannot proceed, the port " port " is already occupied") {:port port, :e e})))))
(defn free-port []
(with-open [s ( 0)]
(.getLocalPort s)))
(defn start-https-proxy
"Start the HTTPS process and return a Deref that will destroy it"
(check-port-free 8080)
(let [https-port (-> oidc-config :callback-url :port)
upstream-var (str "STUNNEL_CONNECT=host.docker.internal:" upstream-port)
;; BEWARE: host.docker.internal works on OSX, likely diff. on Win
proc (proc/$ docker run --rm --name bb-oidc-stunnel
-e STUNNEL_SERVICE=bb-oidc-client
-e ~(str "STUNNEL_ACCEPT=" https-port)
-e ~upstream-var
-p ~(str https-port \: https-port)
(babashka.wait/wait-for-port "localhost" https-port {:timeout 3000 :pause 1000})
(when-not (-> proc :proc .isAlive)
(throw (ex-info (format "Starting a https proxy at %d failed with status %d and err: %s"
(:exit @proc)
(slurp (:err @proc)))
{:proc proc})))
(delay (proc/destroy proc))))
(defn format-tokens-response [{:keys [access_token expires_in refresh_expires_in refresh_token]}]
(let [now-ms (System/currentTimeMillis)
->expires-at #(+ now-ms (* % 1000))]
{:access {:token access_token, :expires-at-ms (->expires-at expires_in)}
:refresh {:token refresh_token, :expires-at-ms (->expires-at refresh_expires_in)}}))
(defn fetch-identity-token
([operation code-or-token]
{:pre [(#{:login :refresh} operation) (string? code-or-token)]}
(:token-url oidc-config)
{:timeout 10000 :connect-timeout 5000
:proxy-url (System/getenv "https_proxy")
:headers {"accept" "application/json"}
:basic-auth ((juxt :client-id :client-secret) oidc-config)
:form-params (if (= operation :login)
{:grant_type "authorization_code"
:redirect_uri (callback-url oidc-config) ; required for some reason
:code code-or-token}
{:grant_type "refresh_token"
:refresh_token code-or-token})}
(fn [{:keys [opts status body headers error] :as resp}]
(ex-info "Network request failed" {} error)
(>= status 300)
(ex-info (str "Got error status " status ": " body) {:status status, :body body})
;; res = {:access_token, :expires_in [s], :refresh_expires_in, :refresh_token, :session_state, ...}
(-> body (json/parse-string true) format-tokens-response))))))
(defn parse-query-string [query]
(->> (str/split query #"&")
(mapcat #(str/split % #"="))
(apply hash-map)))
(defn redeem-code->tokens [query-string]
(let [code (-> (parse-query-string query-string)
(get "code"))
res (fetch-identity-token :login code)]
(when (instance? java.lang.Exception res)
(throw res))
(defn handler [tokensp {:keys [uri query-string request-method] :as req}]
(and (= uri (-> oidc-config :callback-url :path))
(->> (redeem-code->tokens query-string)
(deliver tokensp))
{:body "Tokens registered, you can now close this window"}
(catch java.lang.Exception e
(deliver tokensp nil)
{:status 500, :body (str e)}))
:else {:status 404 :body (str "Unknown page " uri)}))
(defn oidc-login []
(let [tokensp (promise)
backend-port (free-port)
stop-proxy (start-https-proxy backend-port)
srv (server/run-server (partial handler tokensp) {:port backend-port, :legacy-return-value? false})
_ ( (:login-url oidc-config))
tokens @tokensp]
(server/server-stop! srv)
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main
(defn token-valid?
([tokens] (token-valid? tokens nil))
([{:keys [expires-at-ms]} min-ttl-ms]
(and expires-at-ms
(> expires-at-ms
(+ (System/currentTimeMillis) (or min-ttl-ms 1000))))))
(defn store-tokens [tokens]
(cache-data "tokens.enc" tokens {:encrypt? true})
(binding [*out* *err*] (println "[log] auth-token: stored new tokens, valid until" (java.util.Date. (-> tokens :refresh :expires-at-ms))))
(defn get-auth-token []
(let [tokens (read-cached-data "tokens.enc" {:decrypt? true})
valid-acces? (token-valid? (:access tokens) (* 10 60 1000))
valid-refresh? (token-valid? (:refresh tokens))]
(binding [*out* *err*] (println "[log] auth-token:"
valid-acces? (str "returning the cached access token, valid until " (java.util.Date. (-> tokens :access :expires-at-ms)))
valid-refresh? "going to refresh the tokens..."
:else "no cached valid token, logging in...")))
(cond valid-acces?
(-> tokens :access :token println)
(-> (doto (fetch-identity-token :refresh (-> tokens :refresh :token))
:access :token
(-> (doto (oidc-login)
:access :token
(when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file"))
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