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Last active December 9, 2019 05:43
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Sitecore PowerShell script to list all unpublished pages
Lists the pages which are not published yet (in the current version or any version at all).
Manuel Fischer
function Get-AllUnpublishedPages {
Get-ChildItem -Path $homeFolder -Recurse | IsPage | IsPublished
filter IsPage {
$templates = Get-ItemTemplate $_
$baseTempls = $templates.BaseTemplates
foreach($baseTempl in $baseTempls) {
$id = $baseTempl.ID.ToString()
# Template: /sitecore/templates/User Defined/Master/Pages/Page with Shared Footer
if($id -eq "{5E9159CF-19F4-41D1-91F4-007B7B5BA401}") {
# Template: /sitecore/templates/User Defined/Master/Pages/Page without Shared Footer
if($id -eq "{F988428C-76E0-4774-B30E-A0BD63D3E639}") {
filter IsPublished {
$path = $_.ItemPath -replace ('/','\')
$itemExists = Test-Path -Path "web:$($path)"
if(!$itemExists) {
Get-AllLanguageVersions $_
} else {
Get-MissingLanguageVersions $_
function Get-AllLanguageVersions ($currentItem) {
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$itmPath = $currentItem.ItemPath -replace ('/','\')
foreach($lang in $contentLanguages) {
$langV = Get-Item -Path "master:$($itmPath)" -Language $lang.Name
if($langV -ne $null) {
$dummy = $result.Add($langV)
function Get-MissingLanguageVersions ($currentItem) {
$result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$itmPath = $currentItem.ItemPath -replace ('/','\')
foreach($lang in $contentLanguages) {
$langVerMas = Get-Item -Path "master:$($itmPath)" -Language $lang.Name
if($langVerMas -ne $null) {
$langVerWeb = Get-Item -Path "web:$($itmPath)" -Language $lang.Name
if ($langVerWeb -eq $null) {
$dummy = $result.Add($langVerMas)
$database = "master"
$homeFolder = "$($database):\sitecore\content\Master\Home"
$homeExists = Test-Path -Path $homeFolder
if(!$homeExists) {
Show-Alert "Der Home-Ordner wurde nicht gefunden!"
} else {
$contentLanguages = $(Get-Item $homeFolder).Languages
$items = Get-AllUnpublishedPages
if($items.Count -eq 0){
Show-Alert "Es wurden keine Seiten gefunden, die noch nicht in der ausgewählten Version veröffentlicht wurden."
} else {
$props = @{
Title = "Unpublizierte Seiten - Resultate"
InfoTitle = "Seiten, die noch nicht veröffentlicht wurden in der ausgewählten Version."
InfoDescription = "Zeigt die Seiten an, die noch nicht in der ausgewählten Version veröffentlicht wurden."
PageSize = 25
$items |
Show-ListView @props -Property @{Label="Page Name"; Expression={$_.DisplayName} },
@{Label="Page Template"; Expression={$_.TemplateName} },
@{Label="Language"; Expression={$_.Language} },
@{Label="Created"; Expression={$_.__Created} },
@{Label="Updated"; Expression={$_.__Updated} },
@{Label="Updated by"; Expression={$_."__Updated by"} },
@{Label="Path"; Expression={$_.ItemPath} },
@{Label="Version"; Expression={$_.Version}}
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gyusza commented Jun 16, 2017

Im dabbling around with your PS, and i was wondering if you had a solution for only checking the latest version. Our web db only holds a single latest version of the items, so previous versions are not necessary in the comparison...


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