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Last active June 18, 2023 03:55
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# This Jamf extension attribute returns the mechanism entry index number
# (starting with zero) if Escrow Buddy is present in the authorization database
# login mechanisms, or "-1" otherwise.
MECHANISM="Escrow Buddy:Invoke,privileged"
security authorizationdb read system.login.console 2>/dev/null > /tmp/auth.db
INDEX=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :mechanisms:" /tmp/auth.db 2>/dev/null | grep -n "<string>$MECHANISM</string>" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
if [ -z $INDEX ]; then
# Return -1 if mechanism is not in array
# Adjust for extra lines of output at beginning of array
echo "<result>$INDEX</result>"
# This Jamf extension attribute returns "Configured" if Escrow Buddy is present
# in the authorization database login mechanisms, or "Not Configured" otherwise.
MECHANISM="Escrow Buddy:Invoke,privileged"
if security authorizationdb read system.login.console 2>/dev/null | grep -q "<string>$MECHANISM</string>"; then
echo "<result>Configured</result>"
echo "<result>Not Configured</result>"
# Name:
# Description: This script provides functions that can help Mac IT
# administrators modify and maintain the list of
# login mechanisms in the macOS authorization database.
# For details see:
# Author: Elliot Jordan <[email protected]>
# Created: 2023-06-17
# Last Modified: 2023-06-17
# Version: 1.0.0
# Temporary directory for storage of authorization database files
# Check execution context (root required)
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Please run this script as root."
exit 1
############################ FUNCTION: CheckAuthDB ############################
# Checks current loginwindow auth database for entry specified by parameter 1.
CheckAuthDB() {
/usr/bin/security authorizationdb read system.login.console 2>/dev/null > "$AUTH_DB"
if grep -q "<string>$1</string>" "$AUTH_DB"; then
echo "$1 is configured in the authorization database."
echo "$1 is not configured in the authorization database."
return 1
############################ FUNCTION: BackupAuthDB ###########################
# Create a backup copy of the auth database at the path specified by $AUTH_DB
BackupAuthDB() {
if [[ -f "$AUTH_DB" ]]; then
/usr/bin/security authorizationdb read system.login.console 2>/dev/null > "$AUTH_DB"
cp "$AUTH_DB" "$AUTH_DB.backup"
######################## FUNCTION: ValidateAuthDBEntry ########################
# Validates the format of entry prior to modifying the authorization database
ValidateAuthDBEntry() {
if ! grep -qE '^[^,:]+:[^,:]+(,privileged)?$' <<< "$1"; then
echo "ERROR: Specified right is not formatted correctly: $1"
exit 1
############################ FUNCTION: AddToAuthDB ############################
# Add an entry before/after another entry
# The entry to add is specified by parameter 1
# "before" or "after" is specified by parameter 2
# The existing entry to use for placement is specified by parameter 3
AddToAuthDB() {
ValidateAuthDBEntry "$1"
INDEX=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :mechanisms:" "$AUTH_DB" 2>/dev/null | grep -n "$3" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
if [[ -z $INDEX ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Unable to find $3 in authorization database."
exit 1
# Adjust index to account for PlistBuddy output format
if [[ "$2" == "before" ]]; then
elif [[ "$2" == "after" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: AddToAuthDB requires parameter 2 to be 'before' or 'after'."
exit 1
# Insert mechanism relative to parameter 3
echo "Adding $1 to authorization database $2 $3..."
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :mechanisms:$INDEX string '$1'" "$AUTH_DB"
# Save authorization database changes
if ! security authorizationdb write system.login.console 2>/dev/null < "$AUTH_DB"; then
echo "ERROR: Unable to save changes to authorization database."
exit 1
echo "$1 successfully configured in macOS authorization database."
########################## FUNCTION: RemoveFromAuthDB #########################
# Remove mechanism specified by parameter 1 from authorization database
RemoveFromAuthDB() {
INDEX=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :mechanisms:" "$AUTH_DB" 2>/dev/null | grep -n "$1" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
if [[ -z $INDEX ]]; then
echo "$1 is not configured in the authorization database."
# Adjust index to account for PlistBuddy output format
# Remove mechanism
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :mechanisms:$INDEX" "$AUTH_DB"
# Save authorization database changes
echo "Removing $1 from authorization database..."
if ! security authorizationdb write system.login.console 2>/dev/null < "$AUTH_DB"; then
echo "ERROR: Unable to save changes to authorization database."
exit 1
################################ USAGE EXAMPLES ###############################
# The commented examples below demonstrate how to use the functions above.
# Example 1: Check authorization database for Escrow Buddy entry.
# If present, remove it.
# MECHANISM="Escrow Buddy:Invoke,privileged"
# if CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM"; then
# BackupAuthDB
# RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM"
# fi
# Example 2: Check authorization database for Escrow Buddy entry.
# If absent, add it before loginwindow:done.
# MECHANISM="Escrow Buddy:Invoke,privileged"
# if ! CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM"; then
# BackupAuthDB
# AddToAuthDB "$MECHANISM" "before" "loginwindow:done"
# fi
# Example 3: Check authorization database for Crypt entries.
# If any are absent, re-add them before loginwindow:done.
# MECHANISM1="Crypt:Check,privileged"
# MECHANISM2="Crypt:CryptGUI"
# MECHANISM3="Crypt:Enablement,privileged"
# if ! CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM1" || ! CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM2" || ! CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM3"; then
# BackupAuthDB
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM1" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM1"
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM2" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM2"
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM3" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM3"
# AddToAuthDB "$MECHANISM1" "before" "loginwindow:done"
# AddToAuthDB "$MECHANISM2" "before" "loginwindow:done"
# AddToAuthDB "$MECHANISM3" "before" "loginwindow:done"
# fi
# Example 4: Remove all Crypt entries from authorization database.
# MECHANISM1="Crypt:Check,privileged"
# MECHANISM2="Crypt:CryptGUI"
# MECHANISM3="Crypt:Enablement,privileged"
# BackupAuthDB
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM1" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM1"
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM2" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM2"
# CheckAuthDB "$MECHANISM3" && RemoveFromAuthDB "$MECHANISM3"
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