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Created July 27, 2015 02:30
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Ansible playbook to distribute ssh public key to hosts
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- local_action: command grep '{{ ansible_ssh_host }} ' /root/.ssh/known_hosts
register: exists
ignore_errors: True
changed_when: False
- local_action: shell ssh-keyscan -p {{ ansible_ssh_port|default(22) }} {{ ansible_ssh_host }}
register: result
when: exists|failed
- local_action: known_hosts path='/root/.ssh/known_hosts' host={{ ansible_ssh_host }} key="{{ result.stdout }}"
when: exists|failed
- hosts: dmz-vms
- yum: pkg=libselinux-python
- hosts: all
- authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', '/root/.ssh/') }}"
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