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Created October 17, 2023 06:23
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
autoload colors; colors
run() {
local cmd="$1"
echo "🏃 $fg[green]$cmd$reset_color"
eval "$1"
run "docker system prune -f"
run "docker volume prune -f"
run "pip cache purge"
run "brew cleanup --prune=all"
run "yarn cache clean"
run "xcrun simctl delete unavailable"
run "rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*"
run "rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Caches/*"
run "find ~/Downloads -type f -atime +60 -delete"
run "find ~/Downloads -empty -type d -atime +30 -delete"
run "rm -rf ~/.Trash/{*,.*}"
run "rm -rf ~/tmp/{*,.*}"
echo "💡 $fg[green]Some further steps you can take to free more space:$reset_color"
echo "👉 Use DaisyDisk to find large files"
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