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Created November 24, 2010 13:25
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transform ASN.1 module into xml schema
import scala.xml.{UnprefixedAttribute, Null}
import com.honnix.asn12schema.model.datatype.complex.{ASN1EnumeratedType, ASN1SetField, ASN1SetOfType, ASN1SetType}
import com.honnix.asn12schema.model.ASN1Module
import com.honnix.asn12schema.model.datatype.primitive.{ASN1PrimitiveType, ASN1BooleanType, ASN1IA5StringType, ASN1IntegerType}
class DefaultTransformer extends Transformer {
private def dealWithIntOrString(field: ASN1SetField) = {
val t = field.dataType.asInstanceOf[ASN1PrimitiveType]
val defaultOrNull = if (t.default.isEmpty) Null else new UnprefixedAttribute("default", t.default.get.toString, Null)
val schemaType = if (t.isInstanceOf[ASN1IntegerType]) "xs:integer" else "xs:string"
if (t.hasRange)
if (field.identifier)
<xs:element name={} type={ + + "IdentifierType"} minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"} /> % defaultOrNull
<xs:element name={} minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"}>
<xs:restriction base={schemaType}> {
if (t.isInstanceOf[ASN1IntegerType]) {
val tmp = t.asInstanceOf[ASN1IntegerType]
if (tmp.minVal != Int.MinValue) <xs:minInclusive value={tmp.minVal.toString} /> else Null
if (tmp.maxVal != Int.MaxValue) <xs:maxInclusive value={tmp.maxVal.toString} /> else Null
} else {
val tmp = t.asInstanceOf[ASN1IA5StringType]
if (tmp.minLen != 0) <xs:minLength value={tmp.minLen.toString} /> else Null
if (tmp.maxLen != Int.MaxValue) <xs:maxLength value={tmp.maxLen.toString} /> else Null
</xs:element> % defaultOrNull
else <xs:element name={} type={schemaType} minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"} /> % defaultOrNull
private def generateField(field: ASN1SetField) = field.dataType match {
case t: ASN1IntegerType => dealWithIntOrString(field)
case t: ASN1IA5StringType => dealWithIntOrString(field)
case t: ASN1BooleanType =>
val defaultOrNull = if (t.default.isEmpty) Null else new UnprefixedAttribute("default", t.default.get.toString, Null)
<xs:element name={} type="xs:boolean" minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"} /> % defaultOrNull
case t: ASN1SetOfType =>
<xs:element name={} type={ + "Type"} minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"}
maxOccurs={if (t.size != Int.MaxValue) t.size.toString else "unbounded"} />
case _ => <xs:element name={} type={ + "Type"} minOccurs={if (field.mandatory) "1" else "0"} />
private def generateKey(identifier: ASN1SetField, operation: String) = {
<xs:key name={ + "Key_" + operation}>
<xs:selector xpath="." />
<xs:field xpath={"@" +} />
<xs:keyref name={ + "KeyRef_" + operation} refer={ + "Key_" + operation}>
<xs:selector xpath="." />
<xs:field xpath={} />
private def getIdentifierType(identifier: ASN1SetField) = identifier.dataType match {
case t: ASN1IntegerType => if (t.hasRange) + + "IdentifierType" else "xs:integer"
case t: ASN1IA5StringType => if (t.hasRange) + + "IdentifierType" else "xs:string"
case _ => + "Type"
private def generateCreateOrGetResponse(asn1Set: ASN1SetType, operation: String) =
<xs:element name={operation +}>
<xs:sequence>{asn1Set.fields map generateField}</xs:sequence> {
asn1Set.identifiers map {x =>
<xs:attribute name={} type={getIdentifierType(x)} use="required" />
{asn1Set.identifiers map(generateKey(_, operation))}
private def generateSet(asn1Set: ASN1SetType) =
<xs:element name={"set" +}>
<xs:sequence>{asn1Set.fields.filter(!_.identifier) map generateField}</xs:sequence> {
asn1Set.identifiers map {x =>
<xs:attribute name={} type={getIdentifierType(x)} use="required" />
private def generateMissedOperation(asn1Set: ASN1SetType, operation: String) =
<xs:element name={operation +}>
<xs:complexType> {
asn1Set.identifiers map {x =>
<xs:attribute name={} type={getIdentifierType(x)} use="required" />
private def generateIdentifierType(identifiers: List[ASN1SetField]) =
identifiers map {x =>
x.dataType match {
case t: ASN1IntegerType =>
if (t.hasRange)
<xs:simpleType name={ + + "IdentifierType"}>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> {
if (t.minVal != Int.MinValue) <xs:minInclusive value={t.minVal.toString} /> else Null
if (t.maxVal != Int.MaxValue) <xs:maxInclusive value={t.maxVal.toString} /> else Null
else Null
case t: ASN1IA5StringType =>
if (t.hasRange)
<xs:simpleType name={ + + "IdentifierType"}>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"> {
if (t.minLen != 0) <xs:minLength value={t.minLen.toString} /> else Null
if (t.maxLen != Int.MaxValue) <xs:maxLength value={t.maxLen.toString} /> else Null
else Null
case _ => Null
private def generateOthers(asn1Module: ASN1Module, mos: List[String]) =
asn1Module.definitions.filterNot(x => mos.exists(_ == map {x =>
x match {
case t: ASN1EnumeratedType =>
<xs:simpleType name={ + "Type"}>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"> {
t.values map {x =>
<xs:enumeration value={x._2} />
case t: ASN1SetType =>
<xs:complexType name={ + "Type"}>
<xs:sequence>{t.fields map generateField}</xs:sequence> {
t.identifiers map {x =>
<xs:attribute name={} type={getIdentifierType(x)} use="required" />
</xs:complexType> ++
def transform(asn1Module: ASN1Module, mos: List[String]) = {
val namespace = "" + + "/"
<xs:schema xmlns={namespace} xmlns:ns={namespace} xmlns:xs=""
targetNamespace={namespace} elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> {
val elements = mos map {x: String =>
val asn1Set = asn1Module.definitions.find( == x).get.asInstanceOf[ASN1SetType]
generateCreateOrGetResponse(asn1Set, "create") ++ generateSet(asn1Set) ++
generateMissedOperation(asn1Set, "delete") ++ generateMissedOperation(asn1Set, "get") ++
generateCreateOrGetResponse(asn1Set, "getResponse") ++ generateIdentifierType(asn1Set.identifiers)
elements ++ generateOthers(asn1Module, mos)
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jihao commented Nov 25, 2010

Maybe you can rewrite my schema2wsdl tool using Scala !!!

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honnix commented Nov 25, 2010

You can try to do that. It's very simple.

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