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Last active January 14, 2016 23:47
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  • Save hoosteeno/ea3ce4549e4a993a909d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hoosteeno/ea3ce4549e4a993a909d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get number of contribs, number of revisions per contrib, and percentage of contribution for those contribs using last 3 months activity to identify contribs.
SELECT count(username) AS num_contribs,
group_concat(username, ' (', user_total_revisions, ' revisions)' separator ', ') AS contribs,
sum(user_total_revisions) AS revisions_by_these_contribs,
(sum(user_total_revisions) / overall_total_revisions * 100) AS percentage_revisions_by_these_contribs
/* get usernames WITH X revisions IN ANY month OF the last 3, AND Y revisions overall IN the last 3 */
SELECT all_revisions.count_of_revisions AS overall_total_revisions,
revisions_per_user.count_of_revisions AS user_total_revisions,
max(monthly_revision_count.count_of_revisions) AS max_monthly_revisions
/* get total revisions per user OVER the past 3 months WHERE min overall IS X */
SELECT count( AS count_of_revisions,
FROM wiki_revision wr,
auth_user au
WHERE = wr.creator_id
AND wr.created > date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month)
AND wr.creator_id NOT IN (
SELECT user_id
FROM users_userban
GROUP BY creator_id
HAVING count_of_revisions >= 75 /* overall equals this */
ORDER BY count_of_revisions DESC
) AS revisions_per_user,
/* get revisons per user per month FOR past 3 months WHERE at least one month had Y */
SELECT count( AS count_of_revisions,
date_format(wr.created, '%Y-%m') AS yearmonth_created,
FROM wiki_revision wr,
auth_user au
WHERE = wr.creator_id
AND wr.created > date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 /* this many months ago */ month)
AND wr.creator_id NOT IN (
SELECT user_id
FROM users_userban
GROUP BY yearmonth_created,
HAVING count_of_revisions >= 50 /* at least one month has this much */
ORDER BY count_of_revisions DESC
) AS monthly_revision_count,
/* get total revisons FOR ALL users IN past 3 months */
SELECT count( AS count_of_revisions,
date_format(wr.created, '%Y-%m') AS yearmonth_created,
FROM wiki_revision wr,
auth_user au
WHERE = wr.creator_id
AND wr.created > date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 /* this many months ago */ month)
AND wr.creator_id NOT IN (
SELECT user_id
FROM users_userban
) AS all_revisions
WHERE monthly_revision_count.username = revisions_per_user.username
GROUP BY username
ORDER BY user_total_revisions DESC
) AS user_summary_data
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