comment do |
# transcribed from the MML notation here: http://www.mmlshare.com/tracks/view/403 |
# |
# Sonic Pi currently has a size limit of about 9k which is a known issue (#102). |
# I've kept the comments up here to get around that as comment blocks don't get |
# sent to the interpreter. Some of the layout here is an exercise in reducing bytes. |
# I'm using Ruby's stabby lambda syntax ( -> { ... } ) in case you want to google it :) |
# |
# THIS HAS ONLY BEEN TESTED ON A MAC - on an RaspberryPi you might want to change it to |
# use_bpm 60 |
# |
# Regarding the choice of an FM synth for drums: |
# You could use a noise synth here, but I think the NES sound |
# chip would have used something like this FM as the character |
# of the noise would change with different notes which I'm making |
# use of in drum_pattern_b |
end |
use_debug false # help RPi performance |
use_bpm 100 |
use_synth :pulse |
use_synth_defaults release: 0.2, mod_rate: 5, amp: 0.6 |
define :structure do |i,a,b,c,d| |
1.times { i.call } |
loop do |
2.times { a.call } |
2.times { b.call } |
1.times { c.call } |
2.times { a.call } |
2.times { d.call } |
1.times { c.call } |
1.times { d.call } |
end |
end |
in_thread do |
intro = -> { play_pattern_timed([:e5,:e5,nil,:e5,nil,:c5,:e5,nil, |
:g5,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_a = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,nil,nil,:g4,nil,nil,:e4,nil, |
nil,:a4,nil,:b4,nil,:Bb4,:a4,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:g4,:e5,:g5], [1/3.0]) # minim triplets |
play_pattern_timed([:a5,nil,:f5,:g5, |
nil,:e5,nil,:c5, |
:d5,:b4,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_b = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([nil,nil,:g5,:fs5,:f5,:ds5,nil,:e5, |
nil,:gs4,:a4,:c5,nil,:a4,:c5,:d5, |
nil,nil,:g5,:fs5,:f5,:ds5,nil,:e5, |
nil,:c6,nil,:c6,:c6,nil,nil,nil, |
nil,nil,:g5,:fs5,:f5,:ds5,nil,:e5, |
nil,:gs4,:a4,:c5,nil,:a4,:c5,:d5, |
nil,nil,:ds5,nil,nil,:d5,nil,nil, |
:c5,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_c = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,:c5,nil,:c5,nil,:c5,:d5,nil, |
:e5,:c5,nil,:a4,:g4,nil,nil,nil, |
:c5,:c5,nil,:c5,nil,:c5,:d5,:e5, |
nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, |
:c5,:c5,nil,:c5,nil,:c5,:d5,nil, |
:e5,:c5,nil,:a4,:g4,nil,nil,nil, |
:e5,:e5,nil,:e5,nil,:c5,:e5,nil, |
:g5,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_d = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:e5,:c5,nil,:g4,nil,nil,:gs4,nil, |
:a4,:f5,nil,:f5,:a4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:b4,:a5,:a5, |
:a5,:g5,:f5], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:e5,:c5,nil,:a4,:g4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:e5,:c5,nil,:g4,nil,nil,:gs4,nil, |
:a4,:f5,nil,:f5,:a4,nil,nil,nil, |
:b4,:f5,nil,:f5], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:f5,:e5,:d5], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:g5,:e5,nil,:e5,:c5,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
structure(intro, theme_a, theme_b, theme_c, theme_d) |
end |
in_thread do |
intro = -> { play_pattern_timed([:fs4,:fs4,nil,:fs4,nil,:fs4,:fs4,nil, |
:b4,nil,nil,nil,:g4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_a = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:e4,nil,nil,:c4,nil,nil,:g3,nil, |
nil,:c4,nil,:d4,nil,:Db4,:c4,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:c4,:g4,:b4], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,nil,:a4,:b4, |
nil,:a4,nil,:e4, |
:f4,:d4,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_b = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([nil,nil,:e5,:ds5,:d5,:b4,nil,:c5, |
nil,:e4,:f4,:g4,nil,:c4,:e4,:f4, |
nil,nil,:e5,:ds5,:d5,:b4,nil,:c5, |
nil,:f5,nil,:f5,:f5,nil,nil,nil, |
nil,nil,:e5,:ds5,:d5,:b4,nil,:c5, |
nil,:e4,:f4,:g4,nil,:c4,:e4,:f4, |
nil,nil,:gs4,nil,nil,:f4,nil,nil, |
:e4,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_c = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:gs4,:gs4,nil,:gs4,nil,:gs4,:as4,nil, |
:g4,:e4,nil,:e4,:c4,nil,nil,nil, |
:gs4,:gs4,nil,:gs4,nil,:gs4,:as4,:g4, |
nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, |
:gs4,:gs4,nil,:gs4,nil,:gs4,:as4,nil, |
:g4,:e4,nil,:e4,:c4,nil,nil,nil, |
:fs4,:fs4,nil,:fs4,nil,:fs4,:fs4,nil, |
:b4,nil,nil,nil,:g4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_d = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,:a4,nil,:e4,nil,nil,:e4,nil, |
:f4,:c5,nil,:c5,:f4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:g4,:f5,:f5, |
:f5,:e5,:d5], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,:a4,nil,:f4,:e4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,:a4,nil,:e4,nil,nil,:e4,nil, |
:f4,:c5,nil,:c5,:f4,nil,nil,nil, |
:g4,:d5,nil,:d5], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:d5,:c5,:b4], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:c5,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
structure(intro, theme_a, theme_b, theme_c, theme_d) |
end |
in_thread do |
use_synth :tri |
use_synth_defaults attack: 0, sustain: 0.1, decay: 0.1, release: 0.1, amp: 0.4 |
intro = -> { play_pattern_timed([:D4,:D4,nil,:D4,nil,:D4,:D4,nil, |
:G3,nil,nil,nil,:G4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_a = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:G4,nil,nil,:E4,nil,nil,:C4,nil, |
nil,:F4,nil,:G4,nil,:Gb4,:F4,nil], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:E4,:C4,:E4], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:F4,nil,:D4,:E4, |
nil,:C4,nil,:A3, |
:B3,:G3,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_b = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:C3,nil,nil,:G3,nil,nil,:C3,nil, |
:F3,nil,nil,:C3,:C3,nil,:F3,nil, |
:C3,nil,nil,:E3,nil,nil,:G3,:C3, |
nil,:G2,nil,:G2,:G2,nil,:G4,nil, |
:C3,nil,nil,:G3,nil,nil,:C3,nil, |
:F3,nil,nil,:C3,:C3,nil,:F3,nil, |
:C3,nil,:Ab3,nil,nil,:Bb3,nil,nil, |
:C3,nil,nil,:G2,:G2,nil,:C3,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_c = -> { |
3.times { |
play_pattern_timed([:gs4,nil,nil,:ds4,nil,nil,:gs4,nil, |
:g4,nil,nil,:c4,nil,nil,:g4,nil], [0.25]) |
} |
play_pattern_timed([:D4,:D4,nil,:D4,nil,:D4,:D4,nil, |
:G3,nil,nil,nil,:G4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
theme_d = -> { |
play_pattern_timed([:C3,nil,nil,:fs3,:g3,nil,:C3,nil, |
:F3,nil,:F3,nil,:C3,:C3,:F3,nil, |
:D3,nil,nil,:F3,:G3,nil,:B3,nil, |
:G3,nil,:G3,nil,:C3,:C3,:G3,nil, |
:C3,nil,nil,:fs3,:g3,nil,:C3,nil, |
:F3,nil,:F3,nil,:C3,:C3,:F3,nil, |
:G3,nil,nil,:G3], [0.25]) |
play_pattern_timed([:G3,:A3,:B3], [1/3.0]) |
play_pattern_timed([:C4,nil,:G3,nil,:C4,nil,nil,nil], [0.25]) } |
structure(intro, theme_a, theme_b, theme_c, theme_d) |
end |
in_thread do |
use_synth :fm |
use_synth_defaults divisor: 1.6666, attack: 0.0, depth: 1500, sustain: 0.05, release: 0.0 |
ll = -> { play :a, sustain: 0.1; sleep 0.75 } |
l = -> { play :a, sustain: 0.1; sleep 0.5 } |
s = -> { play :a; sleep 0.25 } |
define :drum_pattern_a do |
[l,s,l,s,l,ll,l,s,s,s].map(&:call) |
end |
define :drum_pattern_b do |
play :b |
sleep 0.5 |
play :a6 |
sleep 0.3 |
play :a7 |
sleep 0.2 |
play :a, sustain: 0.1 |
sleep 0.5 |
play :a6 |
sleep 0.3 |
play :a7 |
sleep 0.2 |
end |
define :drum_pattern_c do |
[ll,s,l,l].map(&:call) |
end |
with_fx :level, amp: 0.5 do |
1.times { drum_pattern_a } |
loop do |
24.times { drum_pattern_b } |
4.times { drum_pattern_a } |
8.times { drum_pattern_b } |
16.times { drum_pattern_c } |
4.times { drum_pattern_a } |
8.times { drum_pattern_b } |
end |
end |
end |