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Created September 18, 2012 09:33
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Save hoppfrosch/3742243 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PROBLEM: Determine number of Array elements [#ahk #problem
test := GetTimeZones()
GetTimeZones() {
; Taken from:
OutputDebug % "**** GetTimeZones START ****"
; Get the "Time Zones" entries from registry
RegKey := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones"
RegTimeZones := {}
if (!RegTimeZones)
OutputDebug % "!RegTimeZones"
Loop, %RegRoot%, %RegKey%, 2
RegRead, DSP, %RegRoot%, %RegKey%\%A_LoopRegName%, Display
RegRead, TZI, %RegRoot%, %RegKey%\%A_LoopRegName%, TZI
RegTimeZones[A_LoopRegName] := [DSP, TZI]
OutputDebug % A_Index " - Display,:" RegTimeZones[A_LoopRegName][1] ", TimeZoneInformation" RegTimeZones[A_LoopRegName][2]
i := RegTimeZones.MaxIndex()
; Why is i not equal the number of elements within RegTimeZones?
OutputDebug % "GetTimeZones found " RegTimeZones.MaxIndex() "(" i ") Timezones"
OutputDebug % "**** GetTimeZones END ****"
Return RegTimeZones
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