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Last active October 29, 2021 06:25
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Recipe for Singleton class wit AutoHotkey
;~ This is a singleton class - taken from:
class Singleton
;~ Single cases registered property
static _myInstance := 0
;~ Instantiation counts
static _instanceCount := 0
;~ test property
_myVar := 0
__New() {
MsgBox % "step2: <new> to create a new instance"
if IsObject( this._myInstance ) {
MsgBox % "Singleton class is already instantiated, use the <getInstance> method to obtain the existing singleton instance"
return this._myInstance
getInstance() {
MsgBox % "step1: <getInstance> to get the singleton"
if ( IsObject( this._myInstance ) = 0 ) {
this._myInstance := new Singleton()
return this._myInstance
; accessor to test property
myVar[] {
get {
this._myVar := this._myvar + 1
return this._myvar
#Include %A_ScriptDir%
#Include Singleton.ahk
MsgBox % "**** The first run should use the New function."
MsgBox % "**** The second run should not use the New function."
MsgBox % "**** The third run should not use the New function."
objA := Singleton.getInstance()
MsgBox % "myVar: " ObjA.myVar "`ninstantiation times: " objA._instanceCount
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