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hoppfrosch hoppfrosch

  • Hesse, Germany
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hoppfrosch / JUnit.ahk
Created December 7, 2012 07:54
AHK: JUnit XML output for Yunit-Framework [#ahk #snippet #unittest #function
; description: Generate JUnit-XML output for Yunit-Framework (
; author: hoppfrosch
; date: 20121207
class xml{
; Credits:By Maestrith (
hoppfrosch / NbArrElem.ahk
Created September 18, 2012 09:33
PROBLEM: Determine number of Array elements [#ahk #problem
test := GetTimeZones()
GetTimeZones() {
; Taken from:
OutputDebug % "**** GetTimeZones START ****"
; Get the "Time Zones" entries from registry
RegKey := "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones"