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Forked from dela3499/forkingPathGenerator.elm
Last active March 5, 2016 14:07
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Forking Paths in Elm
-- Initial code:
import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import List
import Regex
import Dict exposing (Dict, foldl)
import String
import Random
import Array
import Set
-- Return list with no duplicate elements
unique x = Set.toList (Set.fromList x)
-- Run find and replace on a string
replaceString: String -> String -> String -> String
replaceString search replacement string =
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex search) (\_ -> replacement) string
-- Run find and replace on a string multiple times
replaceAll: String -> Dict String String -> String
replaceAll string replacements =
foldl replaceString string replacements
-- Randomly select one string from list
sample: List String -> Random.Seed -> (String, Random.Seed)
sample strings seed =
let n = List.length strings
(i, seed') = Random.generate ( 0 (n - 1)) seed
sample = Array.get i (Array.fromList strings)
in case sample of
Just string -> (string, seed')
Nothing -> ("", seed')
-- Run find and replace, selecting a replacement randomly from list of strings
replaceStringRandomly: (String, List String) -> (String, Random.Seed) -> (String, Random.Seed)
replaceStringRandomly (search, replacements) (string, seed) =
let (replacement, seed') = sample replacements seed
in (replaceString search replacement string, seed')
-- Run find and replace on multiple search strings, and randomly select replacements from list
replaceAllRandomly: String -> Dict String (List String) -> Random.Seed -> (String, Random.Seed)
replaceAllRandomly string replacements seed =
List.foldl replaceStringRandomly (string, seed) (Dict.toList replacements)
-- Run find and replace on multiple search screens multiple times for a given string
replaceAllRandomly100: String -> Dict String (List String) -> Random.Seed -> (String, Random.Seed)
replaceAllRandomly100 string replacements seed =
List.foldl (\_ (newString, seed) -> (replaceAllRandomly newString replacements) seed) (string, seed) [1..100]
repeatHelper: (Random.Seed -> (a, Random.Seed)) -> Int -> (Random.Seed, List a) -> (Random.Seed, List a)
repeatHelper f i (seed, values) =
let (value, seed') = f seed
in (seed', value :: values)
-- Run full find and replace process to generate many output strings with different random choices
repeatRandomly: (Random.Seed -> (a, Random.Seed)) -> Int -> Random.Seed -> List a
repeatRandomly f n seed =
List.foldl (repeatHelper f) (seed, []) [1..n] |> snd
-- Get some number of string substitutions
getSubs: String -> Dict String (List String) -> Int -> Random.Seed -> List String
getSubs string substitutions n seed =
let subtitute = replaceAllRandomly100 string substitutions
in repeatRandomly subtitute n seed |> unique
seed = Random.initialSeed 5232334
string = "We should #verb #preposition #place."
substitutions = Dict.fromList
[ ("#place", [ "my house", "your house", "#country club"])
, ("#country club", [ "Wright Park", "the Oak Creek #OCplace"])
, ("#OCplace", [ "bar", "golf course", "pool"])
, ("#preposition", [ "to", "toward", "under", "through", "onto", "into"])
, ("#verb", [ "go", "escape", "travel"])
-- Generate 100 strings with randomly chosen replacements, and remove duplicates
main = show (getSubs string substitutions 100 seed)
Last refactor made:
- There's `foldl` in Dict.
- Using static import with Dict.foldl
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