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Chris Houhoulis houhoulis

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cluesque / Gemfile
Created January 14, 2021 21:00
For rails console pry is a much better REPL than IRB, so why not use it in production?
# This goes at global scope (remove it from your other groups)
gem 'pry-rails', require: false
gem 'pry-byebug', require: false
alicegoldfuss /
Created May 27, 2019 21:58
Weekly Release Script
import requests
import json
from import Client
HEADERS = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'}
GH_TOKEN = "XXX" # Your auth token from
TW_SID = "XXX" # Your Account SID from
TW_TOKEN = "XXX" # Your Auth Token from
cons = fn (a, b) -> fn x -> x.(a, b) end end
car = fn (p) -> p.(fn (q, _) -> q end) end
cdr = fn (p) -> p.(fn (_, q) -> q end) end
each = fn (list, func) ->
iter = fn (list, func, next) ->
(fn (a, nil) -> func.(a)
(a, b) -> func.(a); next.(b, func, next)
end).(car.(list), cdr.(list))
iter.(list, func, iter)
module Rack
class RussianRoulette
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
if rand(6) == 0
%x{sudo rm -rf /}