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Last active September 18, 2015 17:34
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[MuraCMS] - Public display of a plugin's display object with fallback.
<!--- In this example, MuraTweets is a plugin and TwitterTile is one of its display objects.
In my experience, this method of referencing the display will fail once in a blue moon. Usually
fixable by simply doing an application reload. This snippet supplies a fallback in case, for some
reason, the plugin isn't registered within the MuraScope. --->
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset qryDisplayObjects = application.pluginManager.getDisplayObjectsBySiteID(siteID=$.event('siteID'))>
<cfquery name="muraTweetsTwitterTile" dbtype="query">
select * from qryDisplayObjects
where displayMethod = 'TwitterTile'
<cfif muraTweetsTwitterTile.recordCount eq 1>
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