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Created December 14, 2011 13:21
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Golden Ratio Challenge
;;; Copyright Chris Howey
;;; Released under the ISC License
;;; To build, use buildapp (
;;; buildapp --output dog --load canine.lisp --entry main
(defun list-of-output-streams (list-of-files)
(let ((output-streams nil))
(dolist (out-file list-of-files output-streams)
(push (open (parse-namestring out-file) :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1) :if-exists :supersede) output-streams))))
(defun usage (command)
(format *error-output* "Usage: ~%~A FILE... ~%" command))
(defun main (argv)
(if (= (length argv) 1)
(usage (first argv))
(with-open-stream (out-stream (apply #'make-broadcast-stream (list-of-output-streams (rest argv))))
(loop for val = (read-byte *standard-input* nil)
while val
do (write-byte val out-stream))
(finish-output out-stream))))
;;; Golden Ratio Challenge:
;;; This implements the Vigenere cipher to solve the problem with one addition:
;;; Numbers are translated to letters. By glancing over the wikipedia page
;;; it seems as though the encryption algorithm is meant only for letters.
;;; Copyright Chris Howey
;;; Released under the ISC License
;;; (encrypt-message "attackatdawn" "lemonlemonle")
;;; (decrypt-message "xfbhlqtlj" "61803398874")
(defun normalized-char-code (letter)
(let ((upletter (char-upcase letter)))
(if (<= (- (char-code upletter) (char-code #\0)) 9)
(- (char-code upletter) (char-code #\0))
(- (char-int upletter) (char-code #\A)))))
(defun normalized-code-to-char (code)
(code-char (+ (char-code #\A) code)))
(defun encrypt-char-to-code (message key)
(mod (+ (normalized-char-code message) (normalized-char-code key)) 26))
(defun encrypt-char (message key)
(normalized-code-to-char (encrypt-char-to-code message key)) )
(defun encrypt-message (message key)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(loop for i from 0 to (- (length message) 1) do
(princ (encrypt-char (elt message i) (elt key i)) s))))
(defun decrypt-char-to-code (message key)
(mod (- (normalized-char-code message) (normalized-char-code key) -26) 26))
(defun decrypt-char (message key)
(normalized-code-to-char (decrypt-char-to-code message key)) )
(defun decrypt-message (message key)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(loop for i from 0 to (- (length message) 1) do
(princ (decrypt-char (elt message i) (elt key i)) s))))
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