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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Leap year calculator
puts "Enter a year and I will tell you TRUE or FALSE, if that year is or is not a leap year."
print "> "
@year_choice = gets.chomp.to_i
leap_year_calculator = case
when @year_choice % 400 == 0 then true
when @year_choice % 100 == 0 then false
else @year_choice % 4 == 0
# use the '%o4d' % number format to return a value that is at minimum four places to the left of the decimal point
puts "The year #{'%04d' % @year_choice} #{ leap_year_calculator ? 'IS' : 'is NOT' } a leap year."
def calculate_minutes_in_a_year_with_this_many_days(days_in_this_year)
@number_of_minutes = days_in_this_year * 24 * 60
leap_year_calculator ? calculate_minutes_in_a_year_with_this_many_days(365.25) : calculate_minutes_in_a_year_with_this_many_days(365)
puts "And, it has #{@number_of_minutes.to_i} minutes in it."
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