My fork of , adapted to also switch Emacs.
Copy the Python script to the following location:
$HOME/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/Scripts/AutoLaunch/
Create the directory if it doesn't exist. Reboot iTerm2, and say "Yes" if it asks you to download a Python runtime.
This will automatically update Emacs themes, as well, through emacsclient. Make
sure you have Emacs running as a server in your init.el ((server-start)
If Emacs isn't running, this script will skip it silently, no problem. But the emacsclient binary must exist.
For context, here's what I use for my init.el:
;; Start emacs in server mode, unless there already is one
(when (and (require 'server nil :noerror)
(not (server-running-p)))
(defun hly/disable-themes ()
(mapc 'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
(defun hly/light-mode ()
;; I like the default theme.
(defun hly/dark-mode ()
(load-theme 'tango-dark))
Note the constants at the top of the file. These are iTerm2 colour profiles, and Emacs functions (which you must define in your Emacs config) to actually switch the theme.
I appreciate the iTerm script refactoring in this! 👌🙏