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Last active September 8, 2018 22:37
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  • Save hrbrmstr/ff76bc29134e45b8b8b960c278d89aa1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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s_parse <- safely(parse) # prevents parse() from borking on malformed R files
list.files("~/projects", pattern=".*\\.[Rr]$", full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE) %>% # sub out for your own dir
map(s_parse) %>% # parse!
map("result") %>% # we used safely() so need to get to get to the "result"
discard(is.null) %>% # get rid of empty results
unlist() %>% # we don't care which file the library() calls are in
keep(is.language) %>% # I'm 99% sure only the next line is required but it's not like we're moving slowly
discard(is.symbol) %>% # get rid of symbols
keep(~.x[[1]] == "library") %>% # match for a library call
map(, .x)) %>% # formalize it since folks cld be using named parameters in any order
map_chr(~as.character(.x[2])) %>% # get the package names as a character vector
unique() %>% # only care abt unique ones
sort() # i blame sesame street for me wanting these in alphabetical order
## [1] "bomrang" "cdcfluview" "circlepackeR" "countrycode" "curl" "data.table" "data.tree" "dplyr"
## [9] "extrafont" "fishpals" "forcats" "ggalt" "ggiraph" "ggmap" "ggplot2" "ggridges"
## [17] "ggTimeSeries" "gh" "grid" "gridExtra" "gridSVG" "gutenbergr" "here" "hrbrthemes"
## [25] "htmltools" "httr" "jericho" "jsonlite" "knitr" "lubridate" "magick" "mapproj"
## [33] "maptools" "metis" "ndjson" "neiss" "pbapply" "plotly" "pressur" "processx"
## [41] "rappalyzer" "raster" "RColorBrewer" "rgdal" "rgeolocate" "rgeos" "robotstxt" "rprojroot"
## [49] "rsvg" "rtweet" "rvest" "semver" "sergeant" "shiny" "stackr" "statebins"
## [57] "stringi" "sugrrants" "svglite" "testthat" "tidytext" "tidyverse" "tokenizers" "treemap"
## [65] "urltools" "viridis" "warrc" "xml2"
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