[Settings] → [Secrets] → Dependabot → [New organization secret]
Recommend for use with Organization secrets.
// source: https://ssl.wf.jobcan.jp/static/wf/scripts/controllers/create_request/expense_specifics_transport_controllers.js?ci-build-64159.444028469786320462 | |
(function() { | |
'use strict'; | |
angular | |
.module('WfApp.create_request_controllers') | |
.controller('ExpenseSpecificsTransportController', ExpenseSpecificsTransportController); | |
ExpenseSpecificsTransportController.$inject = [ | |
'$http', |
export const fireReactChangeEvent = ( | |
element: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement, | |
value: string | number | |
) => { | |
const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( | |
element.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input" | |
? HTMLInputElement.prototype | |
: HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, | |
"value" | |
)?.set; |
overwrite: true | |
schema: 'https://docs.github.com/public/schema.docs.graphql' | |
documents: 'src/**/*.graphql' | |
generates: | |
src/__generated__/graphql.ts: | |
plugins: | |
- typescript | |
- typescript-operations | |
- typescript-react-query | |
config: |
const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({ | |
preferCurrentTab: true, | |
}); | |
const track = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0]; | |
const imageCapture = new ImageCapture(track); | |
const imageBitmap = await imageCapture.grabFrame(); | |
const settings = track.getSettings(); | |
track.stop(); | |
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); | |
const ctx = canvas.getContext("bitmaprenderer"); |
const WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t", "\b", "\n", "\r"]; | |
const NUMERICAL_CHARACTERS = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; | |
const EXP_CHARACTERS = ["e", "E"]; | |
//@see https://www.json.org/json-en.html | |
export const parse = (value: string) => { | |
let index = 0; | |
const skip = () => { | |
index++; | |
}; |
interface LocaleDateOptions { | |
/** | |
* The locale matching algorithm to use. | |
* Possible values are "lookup" and "best fit"; the default is "best fit". | |
* @default "best fit" | |
*/ | |
localeMatcher?: "lookup" | "best fit" | |
/** | |
* The representation of the weekday. | |
*/ |
[Settings] → [Secrets] → Dependabot → [New organization secret]
Recommend for use with Organization secrets.
const createWindow = () => { | |
window = new BrowserWindow({ | |
title: app.name, | |
width: 1024, | |
height: 640, | |
transparent: true, | |
frame: false, | |
webPreferences: { | |
worldSafeExecuteJavaScript: false, | |
nodeIntegration: true, |
import * as NextImage from "next/image" | |
const OriginalNextImage = NextImage.default | |
Object.defineProperty(NextImage, "default", { | |
configurable: true, | |
value: props => <OriginalNextImage {...props} unoptimized /> | |
}) | |
import * as NextLink from "next/link" |
@media (any-hover: hover) { | |
&:hover { | |
background-color: red; | |
} | |
} | |
@media not all and (any-hover: hover) { | |
&:active { | |
background-color: red; | |
} | |
} |