React Basics
- managing the local state (useState, useEffect)
- managing global state(useContext)
- map, reduce, filter
- working with jsx Intermediate
- DOM and efficiency (useRef, useMemo/useCallback)
- better global state(useReducer)
Bootstrap We are suppose to use only the layout part of bootstrap i.e, only css classes javascript
- margin, padding classes (covering 3 screen layouts, lg, md, and 'default', default is mobile, md is medium devices i.e, tabs, lg is large devices i.e, computers.. you can have anything in between, but starts with default, then goes to md and lg for responsiveness)
- flex ( all flex alignments and such classes, includes basic knowledge of justify, align with content & items separately)
- grid ( the 12-column layout of bootstrap is helpful for taking over simple layouts)
Other basic libraries include
- Swiper for carousels
- framer-motion for animations
- react-three-fiber for 3d websites
- & many more
Backend Express.js or Nest.js Basics
- Get, Post APIs
- CRUD with mongoose
Will update this list as per
Additionally, Assuming this to be still relevant The first method
This one's for reference