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Last active October 8, 2020 07:35
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Google Kickstart - Round A - Question 2 - Plates
# Google Kick Start - Round A - Q2 - Plates
Author : Hritik Jaiswal
Problem :
Date : October 8 2020
Sample input :
2 4 5
10 10 100 30
80 50 10 50
3 2 3
80 80
15 50
20 10
Sample output :
Case #0 : 250
Case #1 : 180
# Approch to solving the problem is Dynamic
import numpy as np
def main():
def recursion(ith_stack,plate_needed):
# Base case for solving Recursion
if(ith_stack>=N or plate_needed<=0):
return 0
# Memoization
# if value already present in the table so simply return that value
if lookup_table[ith_stack][plate_needed]:
return lookup_table[ith_stack][plate_needed]
# Recursive function
current_max = 0
# if suppose plate needed > k then we have to choose minimum between plate_needed and k
# Because when we have only 1 stack availble it has k = 5 but if our plate needed greater then k , then we have to choose minimum between the two values.
for j in range(0,min(plate_needed,K)+1):
temp = recursion(ith_stack+1,plate_needed-j)
if j>0:
temp += plates_piles[ith_stack][j-1]
current_max = max(current_max, temp)
lookup_table[ith_stack][plate_needed] = current_max
return current_max
# Choose no. of test cases
T = int(input("Enter test case : "))
# input
# Number of stack = N
# Number of plates per stack = K
# Number of required plates = P
for i in range(T):
N,K,P = list(map(int,input(f'Enter N,K,T of Test case {i}: ').strip().split()))
plates_piles = []
# find the cummulative distribution of each stack
for j in range(N):
pile = []
current = 0
for s in input(f'Enter beauty value for stack {j} : ').split()[:K]:
lookup_table = [[0]*(P+1) for i in range(N)]
result = recursion(0,P)
print("Case #{}: {}".format(i,result))
if __name__=='__main__':
# If you want to print actual input and output
# just remove input statement and remove unnecessary print statement in between (except actual output)
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