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Created November 25, 2020 21:23
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To simulate a Single Server Queuing System (One-operator Barbershop problem) using Python
Owner : Hritik Jaiswal
Date : Nov 26 2020
Topic : To simulate a Single Server Queuing System (One-operator Barbershop problem) using Python
Subject : Modeling and simulation
import random
# Seed
# No. of Customer
size = 10
# Series of customer
customer = [i for i in range(1,size+1)]
# Inter Arrival Time
inter_arrival_time = [random.randrange(1,10) for i in range(size)]
# Service Time
service_time = [random.randrange(1,10) for i in range(size)]
# Calculate arrival time
arrival_time = [0 for i in range(size)]
# initial
arrival_time[0] = inter_arrival_time[0]
for i in range(1,size):
arrival_time[i] = inter_arrival_time[i]+arrival_time[i-1]
Time_Service_Begin = [0 for i in range(size)]
Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue = [0 for i in range(size)]
Time_Service_Ends = [0 for i in range(size)]
Time_Customer_Spend_in_System = [0 for i in range(size)]
System_ideal = [0 for i in range(size)]
Time_Service_Begin[0] = arrival_time[0]
Time_Service_Ends[0] = service_time[0]
Time_Customer_Spend_in_System[0] = service_time[0]
for i in range(1,size):
# Time Service Begin
Time_Service_Begin[i] = max(arrival_time[i],Time_Service_Ends[i-1])
# Time customer waiting in queue
Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue[i] = Time_Service_Begin[i]-arrival_time[i]
# Time service ends
Time_Service_Ends[i] = Time_Service_Begin[i] + service_time[i]
# Time Customer Spend in the system
Time_Customer_Spend_in_System[i] = Time_Service_Ends[i] - arrival_time[i]
# Time when system remains ideal
if (arrival_time[i]>Time_Service_Ends[i-1]):
System_ideal[i] = arrival_time[i]-Time_Service_Ends[i-1]
System_ideal[i] = 0
from prettytable import PrettyTable
x = PrettyTable()
column_names = ['Customer','IAT','AT','ST','TSB','TCWQ','TSE','TCSS','System Ideal']
data = [customer,inter_arrival_time,arrival_time,service_time, Time_Service_Begin, Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue, Time_Service_Ends, Time_Customer_Spend_in_System, System_ideal]
length = len(column_names)
for i in range(length):
Performance measure
Average waiting time = Total time customer wait in queue (minutes) / total number of customers
Probability of customer (Wait) = Number of customer who wait / total number of customer
Probability of Idle server = Total Idle time of server / total runtime of simulation
Average time between arrival = sum of all time times between arrival / number of arrivals -1
Average waiting time those who wait = total time customers wait in the queue / total no. of customer who wait
Average time customer spent in the system = total time customers customer spent in the system / total no. of customer
# Average waiting time
Average_waiting_time = sum(Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue)/size
# Probability of customer were waiting
no_customer_who_are_waiting = len(list(filter(lambda x:x>0,Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue)))
prob_customer_waiting = no_customer_who_are_waiting / size
# Average service time
Average_service_time = sum(service_time)/size
# Probability of idle server
prob_ideal_server = sum(System_ideal) / Time_Service_Ends[size-1]
# Average time between arrival
Average_Time_Between_Arrival = arrival_time[size-1] / (len(arrival_time) - 1)
# Average waiting time those who wait
average_waiting_time = sum(Time_Customer_Waiting_in_Queue) / no_customer_who_are_waiting
# Average time customer spent in the system
time_customer_spent = sum(Time_Customer_Spend_in_System)/size
print("Average waiting time : {:.2f}".format(Average_waiting_time))
print("Probability of customer were waiting : {:.2f}".format(prob_customer_waiting))
print("Average service time : {:.2f}".format(Average_service_time))
print("Probability of idle server : {:.2f}".format(prob_ideal_server))
print("Average Time Between Arrival : {:.2f}".format(Average_Time_Between_Arrival))
print("Average waiting time those who wait : {:.2f}".format(average_waiting_time))
print("Average time customer spent in the system : {:.2f}".format(time_customer_spent))
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how to figure out the random digit if IAT is 1-1000 in range?? also IAT and AT is has to be zero for the initial or first customer..::

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