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Created February 4, 2015 15:33
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Patch to add PlantUML related documentation to gollum-wiki
From d34f0b7088548ad733fad9027bf6b942f9486946 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Horacio Sanson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 00:19:53 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Add PlantUML documentation
--- | 20 +++++++++++++++++++- | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644
diff --git a/ b/
index 03bdf54..0aef20f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -402,6 +402,24 @@ following syntax:
You can replace the string "blue-modern" with any supported style.
+## PlantUML Diagrams
+It is possible to embed [PlantUML]( diagrams in your wiki pages using the normal PlantUML syntax:
+ @startuml
+ Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
+ Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
+ Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
+ Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
+ @enduml
+You can embed any of the diagram types supported by PlantUML: sequence diagrams, case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, component diagrams, class diagrams, object diagrams and even wireframing diagrams.
+ - For wireframe diagrams you must use the *@startuml* tag followed by the *salt* keyword syntax. The new *@salt* syntax is not supported [limk](
+ - You must install and configure your own [[PlantUML-Server]] to render these diagrams.
## Include other pages
@@ -420,4 +438,4 @@ See [[Macros]].
## Misc options
* [[Uploading files]]
-* [[Configuring page titles|Page titles]]
\ No newline at end of file
+* [[Configuring page titles|Page titles]]
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131df14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Install local PlantUML server
+These instructions have been tested on Debian Jessie and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distributions.
+ sudo apt-get install maven graphviz openjdk-7-jdk git-core
+ git clone
+ cd plantuml-server
+ mvn package
+After building the package you can start a local server using the embedded jetty server:
+ mvn jetty:run
+The server will then be available on *http://localhost:8080/plantuml*.
+# Run PlantUML on a server
+These instructions are to run PlantUML using the default Jetty server on Ubuntu Server:
+ sudo apt-get install jetty
+Edit the */etc/default/jetty* file and change *NO_START* to 0 so jetty is started by default. Then copy the *plantuml.war* file generated when building the package (mvn package) to the Jetty applications folder:
+ sudo cp plantuml.war /usr/share/jetty/webapps/plantuml.war
+ sudo chown jetty:jetty /usr/share/jetty/webapps/plantuml.war
+ sudo service restart jetty
+After restarting Jetty the application will be running on the server port 8080. You can change the port and other parameters in the */etc/default/jetty* file.
+# Configuring gollum-lib
+If you have a remote PlantUML server and want gollum-lib to use that server for rendering diagrams you can set the server URL using the following snippet after requiring gollum-lib:
+ require "gollum-lib"
+ Gollum::Filter::PlantUML.configure do |config|
+ config.url = ""
+ end
+PlantUML can generate diagrams in PNG, SVG and TXT formats. The way you select which format you want is by replacing the last part of the URL path:
+ - PNG:
+ - SVG:
+ - TXT:
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