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Last active March 2, 2025 01:49
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Implementasi Role Base Access Control (RBAC) di AdonisJS

Implementasi Role Base Access Control (RBAC) di AdonisJS

Buat field role (String) pada tabel user

Untuk menentukan role dari user, misalnya apakah di administrator, staff, member, dll

Buat middelware: app/Middleware/Rbac.js

class Rbac {
  async handle ({ request, auth }, next, rule) {
    const roles = rule
    if (roles.length == 0) {
      await next()
    } else {
      try {
        const user = await auth.current.user
        const role = user.role
          await next()
        } else {
          throw new Error(`Only user with role: ${roles} can access the route`)  
      } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(`Only user with role: ${roles} can access the route`)

module.exports = Rbac

Register RBAC middleware to start/kernel.js

const namedMiddleware = {
  auth: 'Adonis/Middleware/Auth',
  guest: 'Adonis/Middleware/AllowGuestOnly',
  rbac: 'App/Middleware/Rbac' // <= ini

Daftarkan middleware ini pada route yang akan dilindungi

// route khusus administrator => {
  Route.resource('manage-user', 'UserController').apiOnly()
  // route lain
}).prefix('api/v1').middleware(['auth:jwt', 'rbac:administrator'])

// route khusus untuk member => {
  Route.resource('membership', 'MemberController').apiOnly()
  // route lain
}).prefix('api/v1').middleware(['auth:jwt', 'rbac:member'])

// route untuk administartor dan member => {'/profile', 'ProfileController.update')
}).prefix('api/v1').middleware(['auth:jwt', 'rbac:administrator,member'])

Tambahkan fungsi hasRole pada model User untuk mengecek hak akses

    const role = this.role
    return roles.includes(role)

sehingga bisa dipakai di controller misalnya

async check ({ request, auth, response }) {
   const user = await auth.current.user

   if (user.hasRole(['administrator'])){
      // aksi untuk administrator saja
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fmgono commented Jul 14, 2020

kalo fungsi canAccess diubah jadi addAccess bakalan lebih meaningful ga ya om ?
Kalo ane baca canAccess kek fungsinya buat ngecek bisa akses atau tidak yaa 😅


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Iya sih benar om.. aku ganti jadi

canAccess => hasRole

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