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Last active August 19, 2021 04:56
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WS bonus calculator (Python 3.x)
# Start at L:31 | 從31行開始
import numpy as np
import random
def p2f(x):
return float(x.strip('%'))/100
def text_to_num(text, bad_data_val = 0, ws_price=75000000):
#text = np.array([ list(word) for word in text ])
d = {
'K': 1000,
'M': 1000000,
'B': 1000000000,
'WS': ws_price
if not isinstance(text, str):
# Non-strings are bad are missing data in poster's submission
return bad_data_val
elif text[-1].upper() in d :
# separate out the K, M, or B
num, magnitude = text[:-1], text[-1]
return int(float(num) * d[magnitude.upper()])
elif text[-2:].upper() in d:
num, magnitude = text[:-2], text[-2:]
return int(float(num) * d[magnitude.upper()])
return float(text)
# you can use K,M,B,WS in utils.text_to_num()
# 你可以使用 K,M,B,WS 作為單位
# The the part that you can modify '74M', '0%', '25WS', '0,0833WS', '15%', 10000 (L:36 to L:43)
# 你可以更改的部分為 '74M', '0%', '25WS', '0,0833WS', '15%', 10000 (36行到43行)
ws_price = text_to_num('74M') # White Scroll price | 白捲價格
current_ws_bonus = p2f('0%') # White Scroll bonus (0%, 1.5%, 3%, 4.5% etc) | 白捲失敗加成
equip_price = text_to_num('25WS', ws_price=ws_price) # current equipment cost | 你現在裝備的價格
equip_slot = 9 # scrolling slot (hammered) | 你裝備有幾次衝捲機會
scroll_price = text_to_num('0.0833WS', ws_price=ws_price) # weapon att 15% 5/60 = 1/12 WS | 你要衝的捲軸的價格
# 我用0.0833 因為武器att捲軸cost 5coin, 5/60= 1/12ws = 0.0833ws
scroll_percentage = p2f('15%') # the pass percentage for your scroll | 你衝捲的成功機率
iterations = 10000 # larger is more accurate. | 跑幾次再去做平均
total_cost = 0
for i in range(0,iterations):
cost = equip_price
cur_equip_slot = equip_slot
while (cur_equip_slot >= 0):
if random.random() < (scroll_percentage + current_ws_bonus):
# pass
cur_equip_slot -= 1
cost = cost + ws_price + scroll_price
current_ws_bonus = 0.
# fail
cost = cost + ws_price + scroll_price
current_ws_bonus += p2f('1.5%')
total_cost += cost
avr_cost = total_cost / iterations
print('Average cost(include equip cost):')
print(round(avr_cost / ws_price, 2), end=' ')
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