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Created May 31, 2018 09:28
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Dev Notes

Das Projekt ui5con-2018-1 ist das Projekt, das ich während der Präsentation clone (remix). Es ist mit dem github Projekt Branch glitch verbunden.
D.h. Änderungen sollten in dem Github Projekt vorgenommen werden, entweder in glitch oder lokal. In der Glitch Console können folgende Befehle verwendet werden.

  • git branch -a (List both remote-tracking branches and local branches.)
  • git remote
  • git pull: zum pullen der Änderungen von github
  • git push: zum pushen der Änderung aus glitch nach github

MD Datei online anschauen

Git Readme Markdown ansehen



Prezi Presentation is here

Online Demo

Remix ui5con-2018-1

Go to this url and remix it. This is the starting point for our tour. It's a ui5 webapp that shows my user profile. It has a startpage with some tiles. Each tile leads to a detail page that uses the Object Page Floorplan.

After you remixed it, change the name of the new project to a meaningful one cause it is part of the apps url. rename glitch project

Performance of the app

Open DevTools and have a look at the performance of the app on the network tab. This is the result with disabled cache: Performance before bild enter image description here bild This is the result with enabled cache: Performance before with cache

Setting Meta tags in index.html

Basic Meta Tags

A PWA needs some meta tags so that the browsers can detect the app as PWA, set a viewport for zooming the app on mobile devices, set some colors, hide adress and status bar, ... Details are here

<!-- PWA related meta tags -->
<!-- sets the width of the browsers viewport to the device width -->
<meta  name="viewport"  content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<!-- Add to home screen for Safari on iOS -->
<!-- Hide Tabs and adress bar -->
<meta  name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable"  content="yes">
<!-- hide status bar -->
<meta  name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style"  content="black">
<meta  name="apple-mobile-web-app-title"  content="Consultant Profile">

<!-- Windows related -->
<meta  name="msapplication-TileImage"  content="webapp/icons/mstile-150x150.png">
<meta  name="msapplication-TileColor"  content="#427CAC">

<!-- Statusbar Color for Chrome, Firefox OS and Opera -->
<meta  name="theme-color"  content="#427CAC">

<!-- Icons -->
<!-- different browsers use different link tag for application icon which is used as homescreen icon as well -->
<link  rel="icon"  href="webapp/icons/favicon.ico?"  type="image/x-icon">
<link  rel="icon"  type="image/png"  sizes="32x32"  href="webapp/icons/favicon-32x32.png">
<link  rel="icon"  type="image/png"  sizes="16x16"  href="webapp/icons/favicon-16x16.png">
<link  rel="apple-touch-icon"  href="webapp/icons/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link  rel="mask-icon"  href="webapp/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg"  color="#5bbad5">


PWAs use a manifest.json that holds information for the mobile OS to make the web app installable like a native app. We add this to the index.html and come back to it later.
Cause UI5 apps already use a manifest.json we can reuse the existing file.

<!-- PWA manifest -->
<link  rel="manifest"  href="webapp/manifest.json">

Caching using Service Worker

Services Workers are the central component of PWAs. They contain the code that is necessary to

Adding to Homescreen / Make app installable

Written with StackEdit.

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