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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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(in-package :weblocks)
(setf *enable-timings* t)
(defvar *timings-data* nil)
(defvar *tree-path* nil)
(defun reverse-timings-data (data)
"During collection of log data it appends in wrong order due to technical reasons. This function reverses data back"
(unless data
(return-from reverse-timings-data))
(let ((parts)
(min-level (fifth (car data)))
(push (first data) current-part)
(loop for i in (cdr data) do
(when (= (fifth i) min-level)
(push (reverse current-part) parts)
(setf current-part nil))
(push i current-part))
(push (reverse current-part) parts)
(loop for (first . rest) in parts
append (cons first (reverse-timings-data rest)))))
'((("First node") "First node" 1/1000 1/250 1)
(("First node" "First child") "First child" 0 0 2)
(("First node" "First child" "First two-level child") "First two-level child"
0 0 3)
(("First node" "First child" "Second two-level child")
"Second two-level child" 0 0 3)
(("First node" "First child" "Third two-level child") "Third two-level child"
0 0 3)
(("First node" "Second child") "Second child" 1/1000 0 2)
(("First node" "Second child" "fourth two-level child")
"fourth two-level child" 0 0 3)
(("First node" "Second child" "fifth two-level child") "fifth two-level child"
0 0 3))
(reverse-timings-data '((("First node") "First node" 1/1000 1/250 1)
(("First node" "Second child") "Second child" 1/1000 0 2)
(("First node" "Second child" "fifth two-level child") "fifth two-level child"
0 0 3)
(("First node" "Second child" "fourth two-level child")
"fourth two-level child" 0 0 3)
(("First node" "First child") "First child" 0 0 2)
(("First node" "First child" "Third two-level child") "Third two-level child"
0 0 3)
(("First node" "First child" "Second two-level child")
"Second two-level child" 0 0 3)
(("First node" "First child" "First two-level child") "First two-level child"
0 0 3)))))
(defun print-timings-data (data &key (stream t))
(loop for (path . rest) in data do
(loop for i from 1 to (fourth rest) do
(format stream " "))
(format stream "~A time (real/cpu): ~F/~F~%" (first rest)
(second rest) (third rest))))
" First time (real/cpu): 0.0/0.0
Second time (real/cpu): 0.0/0.0
Third time (real/cpu): 0.0/0.0
Fourth time (real/cpu): 0.0/0.0
(with-output-to-string (s)
(print-timings-data (reverse-timings-data '((("First") "First" 0 0 2) (("First" "Second") "Second" 0 0 3)
(("First" "Second" "Fourth") "Fourth" 0 0 4)
(("First" "Second" "Third") "Third" 0 0 4))) :stream s))))
; When not nil, timing log is outputed there
(defparameter *timings-output-log* "timing-debug.txt")
(defmethod weblocks::on-timing-start :around (level name)
;(format t "Starting timing level ~A~%" level)
(when (= level 1)
(setf *timings-data* nil)
(setf *tree-path* nil)
(when *timings-output-log*
(with-open-file (out *timings-output-log* :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :append)
(format out "~%Call ~A to ~A~%" (metatilities:format-date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (get-universal-time)) (weblocks:request-uri-path))))
(format nil "~%Call ~A to ~A~%" (metatilities:format-date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (get-universal-time)) (weblocks:request-uri-path))
:type :log))
(push name *tree-path*)
(setf weblocks::*timing-report-fn*
(lambda (name real cpu)
(when *tree-path*
(push (cons (reverse *tree-path*) (list name real cpu *timing-level*)) *timings-data*))
(setf *tree-path* (cdr *tree-path*))
(unless *tree-path*
(when *timings-output-log*
(with-open-file (out "timing-debug.txt" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :append)
(print-timings-data (reverse-timings-data *timings-data*) :stream out)))
(firephp::maybe-escape-html (with-output-to-string (s)
(print-timings-data (reverse-timings-data *timings-data*) :stream s)))
:type :log))
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