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Last active April 2, 2021 13:12
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qmods on linux

Installing QMods on Linux with Proton

Subnautica runs excellently with WINE and Steam Play Proton, and mods work with such a setup as well.

The following are instructions on how to set up Subnautica with QMods and get started.

  1. Install Subnautica via Steam Play/Proton. It should run out of the box with DXVK; however, you can check for any issues on ProtonDB

  2. Download the latest QMods ZIP release (Manual Install) from Nexus.

  3. Unzip the file into ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/(or wherever is the data dir is).

  4. (Note: These directions are from BepInEx's Documentation. You should follow them there
    BepInEx, a library used by QMods to patch Subnautica, requires configuration in WINE to work correctly. Run protontricks --gui and select the default wineprefix (if the option appears), then run winecfg. (If you know how to directly use winecfg, you may do that also). You need to set DLL overrides for two libraries by selecting them from the dropdown and clicking "Add": version and winhttp.

  5. After setting version overrides, try launching the game. Check the settings menu for a "Mods" dropdown. If it exists, you have succesfully installed QMods!


  • Check that there is a QMods folder in the game directory. If it is not appearing, try creating it.
  • Ensure you are using the latest version of Subnautica.
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