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Created June 24, 2019 07:47
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const updateReason = fn =>
function(prevProps, prevState) {
const isEqual = (a, b) => {
if (a === null || b === null || a === undefined || b === undefined) {
return a === b;
} else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object) {
const keysA = Object.keys(a).sort();
const keysB = Object.keys(b).sort();
if (keysA.join(',') === keysB.join(',')) {
return keysA.every(key => isEqual(a[key], b[key]));
} else if (a.constructor === Array && b.constructor === Array) {
if (a.length === b.length) {
return a.every((item, i) => isEqual(item, b[i]));
} else if (a.constructor === b.constructor) {
return a === b;
return false;
const logChange = (prevValue: Object, nextValue: Object, label: string) => {
const changes = Object.keys(prevValue)
.filter(k => prevValue[k] !== nextValue[k])
.map(key => ({
prev: prevValue[key],
next: nextValue[key],
areEqual: isEqual(prevValue[key], nextValue[key])
const equalChanges = changes.filter(c => c.areEqual).length;
if (changes.length) {
`${label}: ${
} changed of which ${equalChanges} are equal`
changes.forEach(({ prev, next, key, areEqual }) => {
console.log(`${key}:`, prev, areEqual ? '==' : '!=', next);
console.warn('Component re-rendered!');
logChange(prevProps, this.props, 'props');
if (prevState) {
logChange(prevState, this.state, 'state');
if (fn) {
fn(prevProps, prevState);
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