I got a ton of games I don't want/need/already have. PM @httpsterio on twitter/IRC if any/some of these interest you. #Steam
Red Faction: Armageddon,
Metro 2033,
Company of Heroes,
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts,
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Space Battles,
Jamestown Steam
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War
Titan Quest
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War
Lost Planet 3
Men of War - Assault Squad GOTY
Contagion X4
Sir, You are being hunted
No Time To Explain Remastered
Dead Space 2 -
Mass Effect 2
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Medal of Honor
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
Dead Space -
Abyss Odyssey
##??? Might've been used
Humble Introversion Bundle
Indie Game - The Movie
Shank 2
Dungeon Defenders + DLC
The Basement Collection
Offspring Fling
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Dead Space 3
Medal of Honor
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
###Origin Bundle 2
Dragon Age™: Origins,
Peggle™, Dead Space™ 2,
Command & Conquer™ Generals + Zero Hour,
Medal of Honor Allied Assault™ War Chest,
Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare,
Dragon Age™ II, Bejeweled™ 3,
Mass Effect™ 2, Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger,
SimCity 2000™ Special Edition,
Wing Commander™ IV: The Price of Freedom,
and Ultima VII The Complete Edition
Multi = all the games with 1 key, can't be separated.