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Created May 20, 2024 00:17
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from flask import Flask, Response, current_app, jsonify, make_response
from flask.views import MethodView
def create_app() -> Flask:
"""Create application context."""
created_app = Flask(__name__)
return created_app
app = create_app()
def _validate_app_instance() -> None:
"""Validate app instance in routes and views."""
assert isinstance(current_app, Flask)
def hello() -> Response:
"""Good old hello world at work."""
return make_response("hello")
class FooApi(MethodView):
def __init__(self, some_common_content: str, **options):
self.content = some_common_content
self.options = options
def get(self) -> Response:
"""The args and kwargs all exist"""
return jsonify({"message": self.content, **self.options})
app.add_url_rule("/foo", view_func=FooApi.as_view("foo", "hello champ", can_teach=True, can_show=True))
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