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Forked from kirbysayshi/CGLM.example.js
Created September 1, 2011 23:03
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My attempt at two methods of a constant game-loop in JavaScript
// Example CGLM usage:
function priorityOne(dt, stats){
// do physics step
step(dt*0.001); // dt comes in ms, engine needs seconds
function priorityTwo(stats){
// render everything
ZAP.CGLM.register(priorityOne, priorityTwo);
// Constant Game Loop Machine
ZAP.CGLM = (function(root){
var CGLM = {
modes: {}
,mode: {}
,onTimeStep: function(){} // happens a lot
,onFrameUpdate: function(){} // happens not as much
,start: function(){
root.addEventListener('message', main, false);
root.postMessage('start timestep dispatch', '*');
console.log('CGLM START');
return this;
,stop: function(){
root.removeEventListener('message', main, false);
console.log('CGLM HALTED');
return this;
,register: function(onTimeStep, onFrameUpdate){
this.onTimeStep = onTimeStep;
this.onFrameUpdate = onFrameUpdate;
return this;
,setMode: function(mode){
if( typeof this.modes[mode] !== 'undefined' ){
this.mode = this.modes[mode];
} else {
throw [
'The mode "'
,'" is not defined for the Constant Game Loop Machine'
return this;
function main(){ CGLM.onTimeStep, CGLM.onFrameUpdate );
root.postMessage('timestep dispatch', '*');
return CGLM;
* Custom mode allows control over all three control points:
* speed multiplier (iterations of the timeStep loop), timeStep
* (the value passed into the onTimeStep callback), and framerate,
* or how often onFrameUpdate is called. If the time between
* render frames is greater than 1.5 seconds, execution is
* automatically halted to prevent browser lockup.
ZAP.CGLM.modes.custom = (function(){
var startTime
,totalIterations = 0
,lastActualDT = 0
,lastTime = 0
,totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0
,totalDTSinceLastTimeStep = 0
,iterations = 1
,targetFrameInterval = 16
,timeStep = 5
,targetFPS = 60
,frameUpdateStats = {
delta: 0
,fps: 0
,avgFps: 0
,timeStepStats = {
delta: 0
,ips: 0
,avgips: 0
,iterations: 0
return {
run: function(tCommands, nCommands){
var d = +new Date()
,delta = d - lastTime
totalDTSinceLastFrame += delta;
totalDTSinceLastTimeStep += delta;
if(totalDTSinceLastTimeStep >= timeStep){ = timeStep;
timeStepStats.ips = (iterations / totalDTSinceLastTimeStep * 1000).toFixed(2);
timeStepStats.avgips = (totalIterations / (d - startTime) * 1000).toFixed(2);
timeStepStats.iterations = iterations;
for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++){ tCommands(timeStep, timeStepStats); }
totalDTSinceLastTimeStep = 0;
totalIterations += iterations;
if(totalDTSinceLastFrame >= targetFrameInterval){ = totalDTSinceLastFrame;
frameUpdateStats.fps = (1 / totalDTSinceLastFrame * 1000).toFixed(2);
frameUpdateStats.avgfps = (totalFrames / (d - startTime) * 1000).toFixed(2);
if( totalDTSinceLastFrame > 1500 ){
,' TIME: ' + totalDTSinceLastFrame].join(''));
totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0;
totalFrames += 1;
lastTime = d;
,setFPS: function(fps){
targetFPS = fps;
targetFrameInterval = 1000 / targetFPS;
return this;
,setTimeStep: function(dt){
timeStep = dt;
return this;
,setSpeedX: function(x){
iterations = x;
return this;
,onStart: function(){
lastTime = +new Date();
totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0;
totalFrames = 0;
totalIterations = 0;
startTime = lastTime;
return this;
,onStop: function(){
return this;
* Realtime mode attempts to call onTimeStep as often as necessary
* to keep the passed game time equal to the passed world time, based
* on the target timeStep. If simTimeScale is less than 1, more time
* passes in the real world than in the game world. If the time between
* render frames is greater than 1.5 seconds, execution is
* automatically halted to prevent browser lockup.
ZAP.CGLM.modes.realtime = (function(){
var startTime
,lastRunDT = 0 // how long the previous run() took
,thisRunDT = 0 // how long the current run is taking
,lastTime = 0 // the previous time run() was called
,totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0
,simTimeScale = 1 // 0.5 means 1 real second = 0.5 sim seconds
,iterations = 0
,remainingIT = 0
,targetFrameInterval = 16
,timeStep = 5
,targetFPS = 60
,frameUpdateStats = {
delta: 0
,fps: 0
,avgFps: 0
,lag: 0
,timeStepStats = {
delta: 0
,ips: 0
,avgips: 0
,iterations: 0
return {
run: function(tCommands, nCommands){
var iStartTime = +new Date()
,delta = iStartTime - lastTime
totalDTSinceLastFrame += delta;
totalDTSinceLastTimeStep += (delta * simTimeScale);
remainingIT = iterations = (totalDTSinceLastTimeStep/timeStep) + remainingIT;
iterations = ~~iterations; // faster than Math.floor
remainingIT = remainingIT - iterations;
if(iterations > 0){ = timeStep;
timeStepStats.ips = (iterations / totalDTSinceLastTimeStep * 1000).toFixed(2);
timeStepStats.avgips = (totalIterations / (iStartTime - startTime) * 1000 * 100).toFixed(2);
timeStepStats.iterations = iterations;
for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++){ tCommands(timeStep, timeStepStats); }
totalDTSinceLastTimeStep = 0;
totalIterations += iterations;
if(totalDTSinceLastFrame >= targetFrameInterval){
thisRunDT = +new Date() - iStartTime; = totalDTSinceLastFrame;
frameUpdateStats.fps = (1 / totalDTSinceLastFrame * 1000).toFixed(2);
frameUpdateStats.avgfps = (totalFrames / (iStartTime - startTime) * 1000).toFixed(2);
frameUpdateStats.lag = thisRunDT - lastRunDT;
// TODO: if this happens, make it adaptive instead of halting?
if( totalDTSinceLastFrame > 1500 ){
,' TIME: ' + totalDTSinceLastFrame].join(''));
totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0;
totalFrames += 1;
lastRunDT = thisRunDT;
lastTime = iStartTime;
,setFPS: function(fps){
targetFPS = fps;
targetFrameInterval = 1000 / targetFPS;
return this;
,setTimeStep: function(dt){
timeStep = dt;
return this;
,setSimTimeScale: function(scale){
simTimeScale = scale;
return this;
,onStart: function(){
totalDTSinceLastFrame = 0;
totalDTSinceLastTimeStep = 0;
totalIterations = 0;
totalFrames = 0;
lastTime = +new Date();
startTime = lastTime;
return this;
,onStop: function(){
return this;
root.ZAP = ZAP;
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