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Last active March 20, 2024 19:43
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Pragma Helper
Identity Closed Pure Associative Commutative Feature
NoOP early return of X
Memoise early return cache
Idempotent early return cache
Map No need to define
Reduce No need to define
ParMap Parallel Map
ParReduce Parallel Reduce
Means f(X,O) = X F[T](X,Y: T): T F(X,Y)=F(X,Y) F(F(X,Y), Z)=F(X,F(Y,Z)) F(X,Y)=F(Y,X)
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hugosenari commented Mar 16, 2024

After reading Monoid without tears

I was thinking how can I use Nim Effect Tracking to track monoid features (column headers), to optimize the code parallelizability.

But ended with the conclusion that would be easier accept pragmas with desired outcome (line left value), and apply the transformation (line right value), informing developer when is appropriate to use each.

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In a different context elcritch crafted a macro do add accessors replicating to a box type

import macros
import macrocache
import typetraits

const mcTable = CacheTable"subTest"

macro atomicAccessors*(tp: typed) =

  echo "TP: ", tp.treeRepr

  var timpl, tname: NimNode
  if tp.kind == nnkSym:
    timpl = tp.getImpl()
    tname = tp
  elif tp.kind == nnkRefTy:
    timpl = tp[^1].getImpl()
    tname = tp

  echo "TIMPL: ", timpl.treeRepr

  var tbody = timpl[^1]
  if tbody.kind == nnkRefTy:
    tbody = tbody[0]

  if tbody.kind == nnkSym:
    let ity = tbody.getImpl()
    tbody = ity[^1]

  let idents = tbody[^1]
  result = newStmtList()
  for ident in idents:
    if ident[0].kind != nnkPostFix:
      echo "TIDENT: cont"
    let name = ident(ident[0][1].strVal)
    let fieldName = ident ident[0][1].repr
    let fieldTp = ident[1]
    let obj = ident "obj"
    let fieldKd = fieldTp.getType()
    let fieldIsRef = fieldKd.kind == nnkBracketExpr and fieldKd[0].strVal == "ref"
    let fieldIsObj = fieldKd.kind == nnkObjectTy
    let fieldKey = fieldName.repr & "::" & fieldTp.repr

    if fieldKey in mcTable: continue
    else: mcTable[fieldKey] = fieldTp

    if fieldIsRef:
      echo "TP:REF: "
      result.add quote do:
        proc `name`*(`obj`: SharedRc[`tname`]): SharedRc[`fieldTp`] =
    elif fieldIsObj:
      echo "TP:OBJ: "
      result.add quote do:
        proc `name`*(`obj`: SharedRc[`tname`]): SharedRc[`fieldTp`] =
      echo "TP:ELSE: "
      result.add quote do:
        proc `name`*(`obj`: SharedRc[`tname`]): `fieldTp` =

  echo "RES:\n", result.repr

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