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Created June 10, 2010 10:49
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ruby-1.8.7-p249 > posts = Post.all
Post Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "posts"
Post::Translation Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 1)
Post::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 1)
Post::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 1)
Post::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 1)
Post::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 2)
Post::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations"."locale" IN ('en')) AND ("post_translations".post_id = 2)
| id | created_at | updated_at | body | title |
| 1 | 2010-06-10 10:43:57 UTC | 2010-06-10 10:43:57 UTC | yyy | xxx |
| 2 | 2010-06-10 10:46:16 UTC | 2010-06-10 10:46:16 UTC | foo | hello |
2 rows in set
ruby-1.8.7-p249 > posts.first.title
=> "xxx"
ruby-1.8.7-p249 > posts = Post.all(:include => [:translations])
Post Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "posts"
Post::Translation Load (0.5ms) SELECT "post_translations".* FROM "post_translations" WHERE ("post_translations".post_id IN (1,2))
| id | created_at | updated_at | body | title |
| 1 | 2010-06-10 10:43:57 UTC | 2010-06-10 10:43:57 UTC | yyy | xxx |
| 2 | 2010-06-10 10:46:16 UTC | 2010-06-10 10:46:16 UTC | foo | hello |
2 rows in set
ruby-1.8.7-p249 > posts.first.title
=> "xxx"
ruby-1.8.7-p249 >
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