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Last active June 20, 2022 15:09
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# 格式化時間單位
function FormatTimes {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "", Mandatory=$false)]
[double] $Time=0,
[Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "", Mandatory=$false)]
[double] $Digit=3
# 設定單位
$Unit_Type = 'ms'
# 開始換算
if (([Math]::Floor($Time)|Measure-Object -Character).Characters -gt 3) {
$Time = $Time/1000.0; $Unit_Type = 's'
} if (([Math]::Floor($Time)|Measure-Object -Character).Characters -gt 3) {
$Time = $Time/60.0; $Unit_Type = 'm'
} if (([Math]::Floor($Time)|Measure-Object -Character).Characters -gt 3) {
$Time = $Time/60.0; $Unit_Type = 'hr'
} if (([Math]::Floor($Time)|Measure-Object -Character).Characters -gt 3) {
$Time = $Time/24.0; $Unit_Type = 'day'
} if (([Math]::Floor($Time)|Measure-Object -Character).Characters -gt 3) {
$Time = $Time/30.0; $Unit_Type = 'month'
} $Time = [Math]::Round($Time, $Digit)
return "$Time$Unit_Type"
} # FormatTimes
function cmpCopy {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "", Mandatory)]
[string] $Path,
[Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "", Mandatory)]
[string] $Destination,
# [string] $TempPath,
# [switch] $7z,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CompCopy")]
[switch] $CompCopy,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RoboCopy")]
[switch] $RoboCopy,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NormalCopy")]
[switch] $NormalCopy,
[switch] $Log
# 驗證
if (!(Test-Path -PathType:Container $Path)) { Write-Host "[錯誤]:: Path路徑輸入錯誤" -ForegroundColor:Yellow ;return }
$Path = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path)
# 設置
if (!$TempPath) {
$TempPath = "$env:TEMP\cmpCopy"
if (!(Test-Path -PathType:Container $TempPath)) { (mkdir $TempPath -Force)|Out-Null }
$zip = ''
$zipPath = $env:TEMP
$zipFullName = "$zipPath\$zip"
# 建立資料夾
$destPath = $Destination+$Path.Substring($Path.LastIndexOf('\'), $Path.Length-$Path.LastIndexOf('\'))
if (!(Test-Path -PathType:Container $destPath)) { (mkdir $destPath -Force)|Out-Null }
# 複製檔案
$stopwatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
if ($NormalCopy) {
# (Normalcopy.exe $Path $destPath /e /h /y) | Out-Null
Copy-Item $Path $Destination -Recurse -Force
} elseif ($RoboCopy) {
(Robocopy.exe $Path $destPath /e /mt:16) | Out-Null
} elseif($CompCopy) {
if (!(Test-Path -PathType:Leaf $zipFullName)) { $forceCompress = $false } else { $forceCompress = $true }
Compress-Archive -CompressionLevel:Fastest $Path $zipFullName -Force:$forceCompress
[double] $cmpTime = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
Expand-Archive $zipFullName $Destination -Force
[double] $time = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
# 輸出紀錄
# Write-Host "所有檔案已經複製完畢"
# Write-Host " 來源: " -NoNewline
# Write-Host $Path -ForegroundColor:Yellow
# Write-Host " 目標: " -NoNewline
# Write-Host $Destination -ForegroundColor:Yellow
if ($Log) {
if ($NormalCopy) {
Write-Host " 常規複製:: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (FormatTimes $time) -ForegroundColor:Yellow
} elseif($RoboCopy) {
Write-Host " 多核複製:: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (FormatTimes $time) -ForegroundColor:Yellow
} elseif($CompCopy) {
Write-Host " 壓解複製:: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (FormatTimes $time) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor:Yellow
Write-Host " (壓縮: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (FormatTimes $cmpTime) -NoNewline
Write-Host " , 解壓: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (FormatTimes ($time-$cmpTime)) -NoNewline
Write-Host ")"
function __TestCopyTimeCore__($srcPath, $destPath, $Name) {
if ($destPath){
Write-Host "========================== $Name ==========================" -ForegroundColor:Cyan
cmpCopy $srcPath "$destPath-0" -Log -RoboCopy
cmpCopy $srcPath "$destPath-1" -Log -CompCopy
cmpCopy $srcPath "$destPath-2" -Log -NormalCopy
# 測試複製時間函式
function __TestCopyTime__ {
# $srcPath = 'autoFixEFI'
# $srcPath = 'R:\autoFixEFI'
$srcPath = 'R:\pwshApp'
# $srcPath = 'R:\SampleFile'
$ramPath = 'R:\TestCopyTime'
# $ssdPath1 = "$env:temp\TestCopyTime"
# $ssdPath1 = "$env:temp\TestCopyTime4"
# $ssdPath2 = "D:\TestCopyTime"
# $hddPath = "E:\TestCopyTime"
# $nasPath = '\\CHARLOTTE-LT\public\TestCopyTime'
__TestCopyTimeCore__ $srcPath $ramPath "Test Ram->Ram"
__TestCopyTimeCore__ $srcPath $ssdPath1 "Test Ram->SSD(gen4)"
__TestCopyTimeCore__ $srcPath $ssdPath2 "Test Ram->SSD(sata)"
__TestCopyTimeCore__ $srcPath $hddPath "Test Ram->HDD"
__TestCopyTimeCore__ $srcPath $nasPath "Test Ram->NAS"
Write-Host "===================================================================" -ForegroundColor:Cyan
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
} # __TestCopyTime__
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