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Created January 19, 2025 04:01
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Optimizing Tree-like Data Structures
import { performance } from "perf_hooks";
type TreeNode = {
id: number;
name: string;
parentId: number | null;
children: number[];
type NormalizedTree = {
nodes: { [id: number]: TreeNode };
rootIds: number[];
function createNormalizedTree(n: number): NormalizedTree {
const tree: NormalizedTree = { nodes: {}, rootIds: [1] };
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
const parentId = i === 1 ? null : Math.floor(i / 2);
tree.nodes[i] = {
id: i,
name: `Node ${i}`,
parentId: parentId,
children: [],
if (parentId !== null) {
return tree;
function dfsTraversal(
tree: NormalizedTree,
nodeId: number,
callback: (node: TreeNode) => void
): void {
const node = tree.nodes[nodeId];
if (!node) return;
node.children.forEach((childId) => dfsTraversal(tree, childId, callback));
function bfsTraversal(
tree: NormalizedTree,
rootId: number,
callback: (node: TreeNode) => void
): void {
const queue: number[] = [rootId];
while (queue.length > 0) {
const nodeId = queue.shift()!;
const node = tree.nodes[nodeId];
if (!node) continue;
function getAncestors(tree: NormalizedTree, nodeId: number): TreeNode[] {
const ancestors: TreeNode[] = [];
let current = tree.nodes[nodeId];
while (current && current.parentId !== null) {
const parent = tree.nodes[current.parentId];
if (!parent) break;
current = parent;
return ancestors;
function getDescendants(tree: NormalizedTree, nodeId: number): TreeNode[] {
const descendants: TreeNode[] = [];
dfsTraversal(tree, nodeId, (node) => {
if ( !== nodeId) descendants.push(node); // Loại trừ node gốc
return descendants;
function countNodes(tree: NormalizedTree, nodeId: number): number {
let count = 0;
dfsTraversal(tree, nodeId, () => count++);
return count;
function isDescendant(
tree: NormalizedTree,
ancestorId: number,
nodeId: number
): boolean {
let found = false;
dfsTraversal(tree, ancestorId, (node) => {
if ( === nodeId) found = true;
return found;
function findPath(
tree: NormalizedTree,
fromId: number,
toId: number
): TreeNode[] {
const path: TreeNode[] = [];
let current: TreeNode | null = tree.nodes[toId];
while (current) {
if ( === fromId) break;
current = current.parentId ? tree.nodes[current.parentId] : null;
return current ? path : [];
function deleteSubtree(tree: NormalizedTree, nodeId: number): void {
const parent = tree.nodes[nodeId]?.parentId;
if (parent) {
tree.nodes[parent].children = tree.nodes[parent].children.filter(
(id) => id !== nodeId
const deleteNodeAndDescendants = (id: number) => {
const node = tree.nodes[id];
if (!node) return;
delete tree.nodes[id];
function getNodesAtLevel(
tree: NormalizedTree,
rootId: number,
level: number
): TreeNode[] {
const result: TreeNode[] = [];
const bfs = (id: number, currentLevel: number) => {
const node = tree.nodes[id];
if (!node) return;
if (currentLevel === level) result.push(node);
node.children.forEach((childId) => bfs(childId, currentLevel + 1));
bfs(rootId, 0);
return result;
function measurePerformance(action: () => void, actionName: string): void {
const start =;
const end =;
console.log(`${actionName}: ${(end - start).toFixed(2)} ms`);
function runTests() {
const nodeCounts = [1000, 10000, 100000];
for (const count of nodeCounts) {
console.log(`\nTesting with ${count} nodes...`);
const tree = createNormalizedTree(count);
measurePerformance(() => dfsTraversal(tree, 1, () => {}), "DFS Traversal");
measurePerformance(() => bfsTraversal(tree, 1, () => {}), "BFS Traversal");
() => getAncestors(tree, Math.floor(count / 2)),
"Get Ancestors"
measurePerformance(() => getDescendants(tree, 1), "Get Descendants");
measurePerformance(() => countNodes(tree, 1), "Count Nodes");
measurePerformance(() => isDescendant(tree, 1, count), "Check Descendant");
() => findPath(tree, 1, Math.floor(count / 2)),
"Find Path"
() => deleteSubtree(tree, Math.floor(count / 2)),
"Delete Subtree"
() => getNodesAtLevel(tree, 1, 3),
"Get Nodes At Level 3"
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