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Created November 29, 2014 21:47
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function BlitTerrain(surface) {
this.surface = surface;
this.sprite = new Blit.Sprite(this.surface, 128, 128, 'images/dirt.jpg');
BlitTerrain.prototype.render = function(seconds, map, rect) {
var width = this.sprite.width;
var height = this.sprite.height;
var ox = Math.floor(rect.left / width) * width;
var oy = Math.floor( / height) * height;
for (var y = oy; y < rect.bottom; y += width) {
for (var x = ox; x < rect.right; x += height) {
this.sprite.blit(x, y, 0);
PixiTerrain.prototype.createTile = function(x, y, type, timestamp) {
var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(this.availableBaseTextures[type]);
sprite.timestamp = timestamp;
sprite.position.set(x, y);
sprite.width = this.tileSize + 1;
sprite.height = this.tileSize + 1;
return sprite;
PixiTerrain.prototype.destroyTile = function(tile) {
PixiTerrain.prototype.render = function(seconds, state, rect) {
this.dustSprites = this.dustSprites.filter(renderDust);
var tileSize = this.tileSize;
var left = Math.floor(rect.left / tileSize);
var top = Math.floor( / tileSize);
var right = Math.floor(rect.right / tileSize);
var bottom = Math.floor(rect.bottom / tileSize);
var now =;
for (var row = top; row <= bottom; row++) {
for (var col = left; col <= right; col++) {
var index = col + row * state.mapWidth;
var tileType = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.availableBaseTextures.length); //[index];
var exists = this.tiles[index];
if (exists) {
this.tiles[index].timestamp = now;
else {
this.tiles[index] = this.createTile(col * tileSize, row * tileSize, tileType, now);
function cullOffscreenTiles(index) {
if (this.tiles[index].timestamp < now) {
delete this.tiles[index];
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