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Bash is the JavaScript of systems programming. Although in some cases it's better to use a systems language like C or Go, Bash is an ideal systems language for smaller POSIX-oriented or command line tasks. Here's three quick reasons why:

  • It's everywhere. Like JavaScript for the web, Bash is already there ready for systems programming.
  • It's neutral. Unlike Ruby, Python, JavaScript, or PHP, Bash offends equally across all communities. ;)
  • It's made to be glue. Write complex parts in C or Go (or whatever!), and glue them together with Bash.

This document is how I write Bash and how I'd like collaborators to write Bash with me in my open source projects. It's based on a lot of experience and time collecting best practices. Most of them come from these two articles, but here integrated, slightly modified, and focusing on the most bang for buck items. Plus some ne

LearnCocos2D / gist:77f0ced228292676689f
Last active January 1, 2025 04:57
Overview of Entity Component System (ECS) variations with pseudo-code

For background and further references see: Entity Component Systems on Wikipedia

ECS by Scott Bilas (GDC 2002)

  • entity = class: no logic + no data OR at most small set of frequently used data (ie position)
  • component = class: logic + data
foreach entity in allEntities do
    foreach component in entity.components do
kavu / example.go
Created September 28, 2013 10:01
Minimal Golang + Cocoa application using CGO. Build with `CC=clang go build`
package main
#cgo CFLAGS: -x objective-c
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Cocoa
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
StartApp(void) {
[NSAutoreleasePool new];
], function () {
var Module, exports;
Module = function (app) { = app();