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Created January 9, 2015 08:27
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  • Save hurie/d4d0d00bbf05cd1f0b69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hurie/d4d0d00bbf05cd1f0b69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'# Perform dir /a c:\users > c:\dir.txt
'# place this script file in c:\ too
'# double click to run it
'# run resulting script.bat from recovery mode
repprefix = " Directory of " ' Modify to your language
sourcepath = "C:\Users.bak"
targetpath = "C:\Users"
altsourcepath = "D:\Users.bak"
alttargetpath = "D:\Users"
inname = "dir.txt"
outname = "script.bat"
juncname = "<JUNCTION>" '//After copying from web, replace [] with angle brackets!!!
linkname = "<SYMLINKD>" '//After copying from web, replace [] with angle brackets!!!
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' construct batch commands for saving rights, then link, the recreating rights
Function GetCommand(curroot, line, typ, keyword)
' first need to get source and target
pos = Instr(line, keyword) + Len(keyword)
tuple = Trim(Mid(line, pos))
arr = Split(tuple, "[")
oldtarget = Replace(arr(1), "]", "")
oldlink = curroot & "\" & Trim(arr(0))
' need to determine if we are pointing back to old disk
newlink = replace(oldlink, sourcepath, targetpath)
if(Instr(oldtarget, sourcepath)) then
newtarget = Replace(oldtarget, sourcepath, targetpath)
newtarget = oldtarget ' still pointing to original target
end if
' comment
out = "echo " & newlink & " --- " & newtarget & vbCrLf
' save permissions
out = out & "icacls """ & replace(oldlink, sourcepath, altsourcepath) & """ /L /save " & alttargetpath & "\permissions.txt" & vbCrLf
' create link
newlink = replace(newlink, targetpath, alttargetpath)
if typ = "junction" then
out = out & "mklink /j """ & newlink & """ """ & newtarget & """" & vbCrLf
else ' typ = "symlink"
out = out & "mklink /d """ & newlink & """ """ & newtarget & """" & vbCrLf
end if
'set hidden attribute
Set objCmdExec = objshell.exec("attrib """ & oldlink & """ /L")
attr = objCmdExec.StdOut.ReadAll
out = out & "attrib"
for i = 1 to 9
a = trim(mid(attr, i, 1))
if a <> "" then
out = out & " +" & a
end if
out = out & " """ & newlink & """ /L" & vbCrLf
' apply permissions
shortlink = Left(newlink, InstrRev(newlink, "\") - 1) 'icacls works strangely - non-orthogonal for restore
out = out & "icacls """ & shortlink & """ /L /restore " & alttargetpath & "\permissions.txt" & vbCrLf
GetCommand = out & vbCrLf
End Function
Sub WriteToFile(file, text)
ForWriting = 2
Create = true
set outfile = fso.OpenTextFile(file, ForWriting, Create)
Call outfile.Write(text)
Call outfile.Close()
End Sub
outtext = "ROBOCOPY " & altsourcepath & " " & alttargetpath & " /E /COPYALL /XJ" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
set intext = fso.OpenTextFile(inname)
while not intext.AtEndOfStream
line = intext.ReadLine()
if Instr(line, repprefix) then
curroot = Replace(line, repprefix, "")
elseif Instr(line, juncname) then
outtext = outtext & GetCommand(curroot, line, "junction", juncname)
elseif Instr(line, linkname) then
outtext = outtext & GetCommand(curroot, line, "symlink", linkname)
end if
outtext = outtext & "icacls " & altsourcepath & " /L /save " & alttargetpath & "\permissions.txt" & vbCrLf
' outtext = outtext & "ren " & altsourcepath & " _" & vbCrLf
' outtext = outtext & "mklink /j " & altsourcepath & " " & targetpath & vbCrLf
outtext = outtext & "icacls " & alttargetpath & " /L /restore " & alttargetpath & "\permissions.txt"
Call intext.Close()
Call WriteToFile(outname, outtext)
MsgBox("Done writing to " & outname)
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