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Last active February 26, 2023 17:33
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Hello World for LuaJIT FFI/C++ binding.
// Act as a source file in existing project.
#include "hello.h"
const char* Hello::World()
return "Hello World!\n";
// Act as a header file in existing project.
class Hello {
const char* World();
-- Lua part binding, load necessary interface.
ffi = require('ffi')
typedef struct Hello Hello;
Hello* Hello_new();
const char* Hello_World(Hello*);
void Hello_gc(Hello*);
hello = ffi.load('hello')
hello_index = {
World = hello.Hello_World
hello_mt = ffi.metatype('Hello', {
__index = hello_index
Hello = ffi.gc(hello.Hello_new(), hello.Hello_gc)
return Hello
// C++ part binding, expose necessary interface to C.
#include "hello.h"
extern "C" {
Hello* Hello_new(){
return new Hello;
const char* Hello_World(Hello* self){
return self->World();
void Hello_gc(Hello* self) {
delete self;
-- Demo how to use binding in lua project.
hello = require('hello')
ffi = require('ffi')
all: lib run
g++ -shared -fPIC -o libhello.cpp hello.cpp
luajit main.lua
rm *.so
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huxuan commented Jan 20, 2020

在lua里调用 hello:World() 之前 collectgarbage 会崩溃,请问你遇到过吗?
`hello = require('hello');


hello:World(); ---- 崩溃

不好意思,这个是好几年前的代码了,已经很久不搞这些了 - -

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