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Transform tachyons classes to tailwind css (using babel-codemod)
// Installation:
// yarn add -D @codemod/cli @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx @babel/generator
import jsx from '@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx';
import generate from '@babel/generator';
const COLOR_MAP = {
'white': 'white',
'near-white': 'gray-100',
'light-gray': 'gray-200',
'moon-gray': 'gray-400',
silver: 'gray-500',
gray: 'gray-600',
'dark-gray': 'gray-800',
black: 'black',
blue: 'blue-600',
// my tailwind.config.js extensions
'black-90': 'black-90',
'': 'text-',
'bg-': 'bg-',
'b--': 'border-',
// Custom classes that should not be converted because they're included in my index.css
const MAP = {
// Remove (junk classes in my specific source)
// Color mappings for text, background, and border
(result, prefix) => ({
(rest, key) => ({,
[prefix + key]: COLOR_PREFIX_MAP[prefix] + COLOR_MAP[key],
'p([tblr])(\\d+)': 'p$1-SPACING$2',
'pa(\\d+)': 'p-SPACING$1',
'ph(\\d+)': 'px-SPACING$1',
'pv(\\d+)': 'py-SPACING$1',
'm([tblr])(\\d+)': 'm$1-SPACING$2',
'ma(\\d+)': 'm-SPACING$1',
'mh(\\d+)': 'mx-SPACING$1',
'mv(\\d+)': 'my-SPACING$1',
'(.*)-SPACING0': '$1-0',
'(.*)-SPACING1': '$1-1',
'(.*)-SPACING2': '$1-2',
'(.*)-SPACING3': '$1-4',
'(.*)-SPACING4': '$1-8',
'(.*)-SPACING5': '$1-16',
'(.*)-SPACING6': '$1-32',
'(.*)-SPACING7': '$1-64',
'b([tblr])': 'border-$1',
ba: 'border border-solid',
bt: 'border-t border-solid',
bb: 'border-b border-solid',
bl: 'border-l border-solid',
br: 'border-r border-solid',
bn: 'border-0 border-none',
br0: 'rounded-none',
br1: 'rounded-sm',
br2: 'rounded',
br3: 'rounded-lg',
'br-pill': 'rounded-full',
'sans-serif': 'font-sans',
'serif': 'font-serif',
'code': 'font-mono',
b: 'font-bold',
tc: 'text-center',
tr: 'text-right',
tl: 'text-left',
tj: 'text-justify',
'absolute--fill': 'inset-0',
'outline-0': 'outline-none',
ttu: 'uppercase',
ttl: 'lowercase',
ttc: 'capitalize',
ttn: 'normal-case',
'(pointer)': 'cursor-$1',
'flex-column': 'flex-col',
'flex-column-reverse': 'flex-col-reverse',
f7: 'text-xs',
f6: 'text-sm',
f5: 'text-base',
f4: 'text-xl',
f3: 'text-2xl',
f2: 'text-4xl',
f1: 'text-5xl',
fw9: 'font-black',
fw8: 'font-extrabold',
fw7: 'font-bold',
fw6: 'font-semibold',
fw5: 'font-medium',
fw4: 'font-normal',
fw3: 'font-light',
fw2: 'font-thin',
fw1: 'font-hairline',
mw6: 'max-w-lg',
mw7: 'max-w-3lx',
mw8: 'max-w-5xl',
'w1': 'w-4',
'w2': 'w-8',
'w3': 'w-16',
'w4': 'w-32',
'w5': 'w-64',
'w-third': 'w-1/3',
'w-two-thirds': 'w-2/3',
'w-60': 'w-3/5',
'w-100': 'w-full',
'measure-narrow': 'max-w-xs',
'measure': 'max-w-md',
'measure-wide': 'max-w-lg',
'h1': 'h-4',
'h2': 'h-8',
'h3': 'h-16',
'h4': 'h-32',
'h5': 'h-64',
'h-100': 'h-full',
'vh-100': 'h-screen',
'input-reset': 'appearance-none',
list: 'list-reset',
'lh-solid': 'leading-none',
'lh-copy': 'leading-normal',
'lh-title': 'leading-tight',
db: 'block',
di: 'inline',
dib: 'inline-block',
dn: 'hidden',
center: 'mx-auto',
nowrap: 'whitespace-no-wrap',
'z-0': 'z-0',
'z-1': 'z-10',
'z-2': 'z-20',
'z-3': 'z-30',
'z-4': 'z-40',
'z-5': 'z-50',
'cover': 'bg-cover',
'contain': 'bg-contain',
// No mapping necessary: matches Tailwind.
// We still need to list them because everything else will be flagged as UNSUPPORTED so that
// we can quickly tell which mappings need to be added to this MAP
'flex': 'flex',
'flex-row': 'flex-row',
'flex-row-reverse': 'flex-row-reverse',
'inline-flex': 'inline-flex',
'items-center': 'items-center',
'justify-start': 'justify-start',
'justify-center': 'justify-center',
'justify-end': 'justify-end',
'justify-between': 'justify-between',
'justify-around': 'justify-around',
'absolute': 'absolute',
'top-0': 'top-0',
'bottom-0': 'bottom-0',
'left-0': 'left-0',
'right-0': 'right-0',
'inset-0': 'inset-0',
'bg-transparent': 'bg-transparent',
'truncate': 'truncate',
// No mapping necessary: manually added to my index.css to match Tachyons
'aspect-ratio--object': 'aspect-ratio--object',
// my tailwind.config.js extensions
'vh-25': 'h-25vh',
'vh-50': 'h-50vh',
'vh-75': 'h-75vh',
mw5: 'max-w-2xs',
'z-999': 'z-999',
'z-max': 'z-max',
// tailwindcss-aspect-ratio plugin
'aspect-ratio--1x1': 'aspect-ratio-1x1',
'aspect-ratio--16x9': 'aspect-ratio-16x9',
// Unsupported
// '(mw\\d+)': 'UNSUPPORTED-$1', // mw2
// dim: 'UNSUPPORTED-dim',
'(.*\\$\\{.*)': '$1',
'(UNSUPPORTED-.+)': '$1',
'(APPROXNEXT-.+)': '$1',
const NS_REGEXP = /-ns$/;
const M_OR_L_REGEXP = /-[ml]$/;
function replace(className) {
return className
.map(klass => {
if (klass === '') {
return klass;
if (CUSTOM_CLASSES.some(pattern => new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`).test(klass))) {
return klass;
// Strip tachyon responsive modifiers
let responsivePrefix = '';
let result = klass.replace(NS_REGEXP, '');
if (result !== klass) {
responsivePrefix = 'sm:';
} else {
result = klass.replace(M_OR_L_REGEXP, '');
if (result !== klass) {
responsivePrefix = 'lg:';
let matchFound = false;
result = Object.keys(MAP).reduce((acc, key) => {
// console.log(result);
const regexp = new RegExp(`^${key}$`);
if (regexp.test(acc)) {
matchFound = true;
return acc.replace(regexp, MAP[key]);
return acc;
}, result);
// return matchFound ? `${responsivePrefix}${result}` : `UNSUPPORTED-${klass}`;
return `${responsivePrefix}${result}`;
.join(' ');
export default function({ types: t }) {
function isClassNameJSXAttribute(path) {
// console.log(path.node)
// return (
// path.node.type === 'JSXAttribute' && === 'className'
// )
return t.isJSXIdentifier(, { name: 'className' });
function isContainedInClassNameJSXAttribute(path) {
return path.findParent(p => p.node && isClassNameJSXAttribute(p));
const visitor = {
ObjectProperty(path) {
if (isContainedInClassNameJSXAttribute(path)) {
// className={classNames('white', { bb: 'value' })}
console.log('ObjectProperty', path.findParent(isClassNameJSXAttribute).toString());
if (t.isIdentifier(path.node.key)) {
path.node.key = t.stringLiteral(replace(;
} else if (t.isStringLiteral(path.node.key)) {
path.node.key.value = replace(path.node.key.value);
TemplateElement(path) {
if (isContainedInClassNameJSXAttribute(path)) {
// className={`${a} white`}
console.log('TemplateElement', path.findParent(isClassNameJSXAttribute).toString());
const replacement = replace(path.node.value.raw);
path.node.value.raw = replacement;
path.node.value.cooked = replacement;
StringLiteral(path) {
if (isContainedInClassNameJSXAttribute(path)) {
console.log('StringLiteral', path.findParent(isClassNameJSXAttribute).toString());
path.node.value = replace(path.node.value);
JSXAttribute(path) {
if (isClassNameJSXAttribute(path) && t.isStringLiteral(path.node.value)) {
// className="pointer"
console.log('JSXAttribute', path.toString());
path.node.value.value = replace(path.node.value.value).trim();
return {
inherits: jsx,
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How would I run this to change class names in my template files /templates ?

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